Recent Comments

2/2/20, 4:09 AM
I second that!!!
2/2/20, 1:05 AM
I definitely approve of acquiring the wrestlers after the football players.
2/2/20, 12:07 AM
this is incredible. please keep going
2/1/20, 11:57 PM
so glad this is back!!
2/1/20, 11:17 PM
I could go for some of that weed myself this afternoon!
2/1/20, 10:40 PM
great job you are quickly becoming one of my favorite writers on the site. really like your style. would very much like to see someone get a hold of the remote and give him a taste of his own medicine. ;)
2/1/20, 9:59 PM
I know a lot of guys have a fetish for men who have over compensated for various shortcomings by working their bodies into ludicrous distortions of what well developed men should look like, and that's fine whatever it takes to float your boat, but to always portray these muscle worshipers as prancing around discoized gyms in silly little sudospeedos really does get tiresome.
2/1/20, 9:16 PM
I would commission a canine or football player transformation option if possible.
2/1/20, 8:49 PM
What an awesome series... I’m so glad I stumbled across it! I wish the device was real! I would love to be transformed into a chubbier, hairier pig bottom!
2/1/20, 6:55 PM
Wonderful, hot and sad. Excellent work! I wonder if Alec will ever find out what he accidentally did. Perhaps if he does he will choose to become a companion mindless sex himbo when his time to pass away comes. Two lovers, now two horny sex dolls forever
2/1/20, 6:39 PM
Dude, you legit made me too sad to cum, which I think is a testament to how effective and inventive your writing is. Seriously excited to see what comes next!
2/1/20, 6:24 PM
great to read a new story. like your kinky transformations. keep on going
2/1/20, 4:53 PM
really wish for another part to this
2/1/20, 4:28 PM
i love the idea, but i somehow hope that this alex guy eventually ends up loving to be public naked and turns his life around for naked man with the guy he is playing against
2/1/20, 3:38 PM
Maybe the guys at the gym could meet the boys from the Extra! salon for some even more amazing transformation?
2/1/20, 1:36 PM
Thanks, JR. This is just great!
2/1/20, 1:15 PM
I hope to see the governor's trip too, and his son turning into 5 different flavors of gay youth
2/1/20, 11:03 AM
Excellent - get some local scallys into the woods
2/1/20, 9:56 AM
I have a similar idea in my files, involving weather reporters. On this one you beat me to it. Hot story!
2/1/20, 8:25 AM
Hi, Could you please split up that first huge paragraph? It's way too long which makes it very hard to read. If you've changed this, please republish and I'll approve your story.
2/1/20, 5:24 AM
Revenge is sweet sweet ass, pounded and broken. So, when are we getting the new chapter? His revenge it's only beginning
2/1/20, 5:23 AM
No better way to teach some kids how to respect people.
2/1/20, 5:22 AM
The second chapter is better than the first but it still lacks on the same, the lyrics and the explanations take so long you almost lose the mood. The idea is amazing, I'm constantly going back to this story, just... again, skipping on the lyrics and all
2/1/20, 5:20 AM
The idea is very good, but the reading is so slow it gets literally boring and annoying to keep on reading, on most chapters I just skip the "lyrics" and the odd side "prequel" scenarios. They don't add anything significant to the story or the sexual arousal, so, why have them?. I think I would enjoy it more if the time used on the lyrics was cute short and the prequel almost completely eliminated. But I do re-read it.... just again, skipping all that
2/1/20, 5:17 AM
I wish this had been worked more... I know it's connected to the House Guest series and that makes it thousand times more interesting, there is so much ground that could be abuse, molested and fucked that I'm really annoyed there hasn't been any changes or new uploads yet.
2/1/20, 5:15 AM
The character of "Mother" is rather odd, at moments a little annoying but I think is understandable since it's a creepy powerful evolution of a depressed and devastated woman, thou I believe there was some divine/alien work in between that unfortunately was not explained, just barely slightly kinda hinted on. BUT, I love the chapter and the next one even more.
2/1/20, 5:12 AM
This is my favorite chapter of the House guest series, I hope to read more of these
2/1/20, 3:04 AM
very interested to see where this goes ! hope the next chapter comes soon !
2/1/20, 2:45 AM
nice work, look forward to the next chapter.