
Jul 27, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### This is the final weekend to submit to the Story Challenge! The WRONG ROOMMATE story contest will wrap up **this Monday evening!** The **deadline to submit** is on the evening of Monday, **July 29th** (midnight UTC on 7/30, click [here](/storyCampaign/show/10000013) to see the exact time in your region). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum—and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest](/storyCampaign/show/10000013) and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Jul 19, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### One week left to submit to the Story Challenge! The WRONG ROOMMATE story contest will wrap up in about a week—the **deadline to submit** is on the evening of Monday, **July 29th** (midnight UTC on 7/30, click [here](/storyCampaign/show/10000013) to see the exact time in your region). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum—and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest](/storyCampaign/show/10000013) and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Jul 19, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
We recently reconnected the link between the (unofficially affiliated) Discord server and the main site. [You can find more information about it here]( The server continues to be managed by Grant Spiral, and is an independent community adjacent to the main site. Be sure to check out the link above for all the details—including info on how to join if you'd like to!
Jul 13, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### Two weeks left to submit to the Story Challenge! Just your friendly reminder that the WRONG ROOMMATE story contest will wrap up in two weeks! The **deadline to submit** is on the evening of Monday, **July 29th** (midnight UTC on 7/30, click [here](/storyCampaign/show/10000013) to see the exact time in your region). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum—and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest](/storyCampaign/show/10000013) and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Jul 13, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### [Gay Harem]( anniversary event [Gay Harem]( is celebrating its 8th anniversary. For that occasion, they’ve added hot videos which can be unlocked until July 18th. Also there will be free bundles for every day of the event.
Jun 14, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
### New Story Challenge: THE WRONG ROOMMATE The newest story challenge has opened for submissions! We can't wait to read what you come up with for the theme. What's *your* story about THE WRONG ROOMMATE? The deadline to submit is a month and a half from now, on the eve of Monday July 29th. Final results will be announced around two weeks after challenge submissions conclude, on the eve of Sunday August 11th. Be sure to click and check out [the challenge rules](/storyCampaign/show/10000013), too, for more details about how it all works! If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out via the site's forum and drop a question into the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( Let the challenge begin!
May 10, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
### Vote on the new theme for the upcoming story challenge Come visit [the site’s forum]( to vote on the theme for the upcoming story challenge! The five themes up for a vote are: - THE WRONG ROOMMATE - SMALL MIRACLES - UNEXPECTED INHERITANCE - EMBROIDER THE TRUTH - A DOOR TO A DIFFERENT YOU Additional details and descriptions can be found in [the post on the forum]( You can ask questions there, too! Voting will last for a week, wrapping up on Friday May 17.
Apr 26, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
### Site and forum may go briefly offline for maintenance  Because of a mandatory database update, both the site and the forum may go offline for maintenance at various points over the next couple of days. Everything will be back up ASAP, don't worry! We're estimating the downtime will not exceed an hour at a time.
Apr 1, 2024 by Admin
### All Sites down for maintenance Because of a mandatory database update, all sites will shut down for maintenance. The downtime will start today at around 10am UTC. It will be back up asap, we estimate one hour of down time.
Mar 24, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
### Story challenge results are up! The final standings for the MAD SCIENCE challenge [have been revealed](/storyCampaign/show/10000012)—and in this round, the real winners are the dads, with the top 3 stories _all_ featuring DILFs! Happy Father's Day on GKS! 🥇 Coming in first place is the riveting and suspenseful “[Family Comes First](/series/show/10004039)” by [Edlam](/user/show/17145)! A huge congratulations to Edlam on his edge-of-your-seat tale of a neighbor gone MAD with science (and power), and the wholesome family now at his perverse mercy! 🥈 Close in second place is [bluesuedewho](/user/show/1225367)'s "[Himbo Daddy, Esquire](/story/show/10008917)"! Learn what it's like to be a neighborhood-dad-turned-himbo, in this mind-bending Chronivac story disguised as a monsterfucking story disguised as a himbovirus story! 🥉 And please give a round of applause for the three exceptional runners-up: "[Father of Invention](/series/show/10003965)" by [Karrde](/user/show/10046914); "[Mad Science Rubberwear](/series/show/10004013)" by [Perpetually Erect](/user/show/10018717); and "[Jaxon and the science experiment](/series/show/10003969)" by [Lusty Stallion](/user/show/10012213). What an outstanding selection of epic (and epic-length) tales! I'm _really_ impressed with the stories this round. Thank you, truly, to all the authors who participated. Whether daddy-rific, or scientific, or just plain *hot,* every story earned its own fans. This challenge would not have been the same without you. Thank you all for making this story contest as much fun as it was! P.S. There's a post-challenge forum thread where you can congratulate the authors, and discuss favorite stories from the contest! [Check it out here](
Mar 12, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
The MAD SCIENCE story challenge has closed to entries, and we're now in the two-week judging period! So [read, rate, and enjoy...](/storyCampaign/show/10000012) And remember, both ratings *and* Favorites count toward the final tally! Official standings (and Top Five) will be auto-calculated by the site's formula on the evening of Sunday March 24 (midnight of 3/25 UTC), at which point the results will be revealed.
Mar 10, 2024 by Corin
### I’m stepping back as the site’s manager! I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I’d like to take a break from managing the site. We’re coordinating a new team of self-organizing administrators, supervised by Nu-and-the-Nus and MonsterMash62, and they’ll keep the site running smoothly. I’ll continue managing the technical and financial stuff that maintains the site. Everything else (enforcing rules, the story approvals, etc.) will be overseen by the new team. To address the admin team, send an email to or use the new support channel in the forum. **Martin** (I will use the name *"Corin"* from now on, a peculiar name I borrowed from one of my oldest stories). [Some background on my decision](
Mar 9, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### This is the final weekend to submit to the Story Challenge! The MAD SCIENCE story contest will wrap up **this Monday evening!** The **deadline to submit** is midnight UTC on 3/12, click [here]( to see the exact time in your region. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum — and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest]( and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Mar 1, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### A week left to submit to the Story Challenge! The MAD SCIENCE story contest will wrap up after this coming weekend — the **deadline to submit** is on the evening of Monday, **March 11th** (midnight UTC on 3/12, click [here]( to see the exact time in your region). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum — and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest]( and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Feb 24, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
#### Two weeks left to submit to the Story Challenge! Just your friendly reminder that the MAD SCIENCE story contest will wrap up in two weeks! The **deadline to submit** is on the evening of Monday, **March 11th** (midnight UTC on 3/12, click [here]( to see the exact time in your region). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum — and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest]( and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Jan 26, 2024 by Nu and the Nus
### New Story Challenge: MAD SCIENCE The newest story challenge has opened for submissions! We can't wait to read what you come up with for the theme. What's *your* MAD SCIENCE story? The deadline to submit is a month and a half from now, on Monday March 11th. Final results will be announced around two weeks after challenge submissions conclude, on the eve of Sunday March 24th. Be sure to click and check out [the challenge rules](/storyCampaign/show/10000012), too, for more details about how it all works! If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out via the site's forum and drop a question into the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( Let the challenge begin!
Jan 15, 2024 by Corin
### Excuse the drama! There are certain individuals who made it perfectly clear that I'm no longer welcome on "their" turf (which I happened to have founded myself, but why would that be relevant) but at the same time, they seem to feel absolutely in their rights to continue to (ab)use the service I provide here on these sites. I won't block anybody and I absolutely won't delete any account or content, as that would be an abuse of power, highly irregular and also rather futile on the anonymous internet. But guys, if you have the least bit of decency left in you, I'd suggest that you refrain from visiting these sites, stop posting your stories and just look elsewhere for your pleasure. It's not ok to shit on somebody but then continue to use their service. That's just a total asshole move. Be consequential if you hate me and please leave me alone. If you ask me to delete your accounts, I'd be more than happy to oblige. If you choose to create a new identity, so I can't see that you're still logging on... well I can't do anything about that, but it would just be even more hysterical since that is the major thing you accused me of doing - even though I never attempted to hide my identity in the first place. You know who I mean. Some people I assumed to be my friends. I've been so wrong!
Dec 31, 2023 by Corin
### Happy New Year! ![](/image/show/10004803)Welcome 2024! I wish you all a gay, sexy, happy and successful new year! # :sparkler:
Dec 26, 2023 by Philip K
Hi all! As many of you know, Philip K is a pen name—I have a separate author account on the site, from before I started running the contests. After a lot of thinking, I've decided to merge my accounts. I'll continue running the contests, but under my old, original account. Full details can be found on this forum post [here]( Thank you!
Dec 25, 2023 by Corin
![](/image/show/10004743) ### Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! To all the wonderful authors and readers on this site. And my very special thanks to everyone on the team who's helping me manage the site: [Phil K.](, [Dirty Spiders](, [Dace](, [Cervello](, [Soren Fitz](, [Cutlerfan](, [S. Q. Neemie](, [Buck Whitman](, [stimle](, [mw-scot](, [](, [BreemClaw](, [Swizz](, [Norismo](, [godofjurai]( and [z119z]( And of course, to the amazing [Hugh](, without whom this wouldn't exist in the first place and to our [Hijaden]( who gave our sites just the perfect look. Also, let's not forget [all our trusty Sponsors]( which are the foundation all this relies upon. Enjoy the time and see you next year with many new juicy and hot stories here on these sites! Martin
Dec 16, 2023 by Philip K
### Vote on the new theme for the upcoming story challenge Come visit [the site’s forum]( to vote on the theme for the upcoming story challenge! The five themes up for a vote are: - MAD SCIENCE - CAMP(ING) - "I WOKE UP LIKE THIS" - IT CUMS FROM OUTER SPACE - RIVALS Additional details and descriptions can be found in [the post on the forum]( You can ask questions there, too! Voting will last for a week, wrapping up on Friday December 22.
Nov 24, 2023 by Corin
### Gay Porn Star Harem started Our partners who brought us GayHarem started a new version of their game which features live gay porn. ![](/image/show/10004549) It's a Free2Play game, where you can optionally spend money to speed up your progress. But in this case, a whopping 60% of the revenue created by players coming through our site will be shared with us which would be a tremendous help to maintain us. It's basically another, probably more spicy way to donate for the upkeep of the site. [Use this link to create your account and to start to play]( After you've created an account, you can use the promo code ==#GaySpiralPorn== to get a nice start bonus (check the in game "Settings" menu to enter the code). The promo text describing the game in detail can be found [in the forum](
Nov 21, 2023 by Corin
### Massive theft of our stories on Tumblr A person calling himself 'vugcehkvcfbk' has been copying a huge number of stories from our sites and posting them as his own on his Tumblr without any mention of the original author or source. Here's a link to that Tumblr account: (Tumblr account needed to access). He didn't respond to my request to take down those stories, instead he just posted some more of our stories. The only way to stop him would be [to file a DMCA request]( with Tumblr. I'd suggest that every affected author is doing just that. There is a discussion about this incident including a list of all affected stories (and some authors) compiled by Piko and RobinHood70 (thanks guys) [on the forum]( Thanks also to Leoscurse, you brought this to our attention.
Nov 11, 2023 by Philip K
### Story challenge results are up! The final standings for Halloween 2023 challenge [have been revealed](/storyCampaign/show/10000011)! 🥇 Coming in first place is the very meta “[Help, I Got Turned Into the Protagonist of a Gay Erotica Story!](/story/show/10007928)” by [Philip K](/user/show/10022196)! 🥈 In second place is [Max Ryon](/user/show/19159)'s erotic and enthralling spin on a Goosebumps classic, "[Let's Get Visibly Swole!](/story/show/10007849)" 🥉 And please give a round of applause for the three outstanding runners-up: "[Conjuring a Twinkubus](/story/show/10007937)" by [Ganymede and Co.](/user/show/956270); "[Strip-or-Treat](/story/show/10007872)" by [princec](/user/show/912743); and "[Hijocked](/series/show/10003520)" by [Drake Nightstorm](/user/show/650184). The sheer range and hotness of these stories is extremely spooky! Aaaah! 👻 Thank you, truly, to all the authors who participated. It was a pleasure to see such an immense outpouring of creative Halloween stories this year. Whether spooky, or funny, or just plain *hot,* every story earned its own fans, and this challenge would not have been the same without you. Thank you all for making this Halloween as much fun as it was! P.S. There's now a post-challenge forum thread where you can congratulate the authors, and discuss your favorite stories that you wish had won! [Check it out here](
Nov 1, 2023 by Philip K
The Halloween 2023 story challenge has closed to entries, and we're now in the two-week judging period! So [read, rate, and enjoy...](/storyCampaign/show/10000011) And remember, both ratings *and* Favorites count toward the final tally! Official standings (and Top Five) will be auto-calculated by the site's formula on the evening of Sunday November 12 (midnight of 11/13 UTC), at which point the results will be revealed.
Oct 30, 2023 by Corin
### Injection attack on our sites Our sites have been hit with an code injection attack today. It caused the browser to open an obscure porn site just when the user got to see specifically manipulated comments. Opening the the "comments" tab made it impossible to use the site at all, as it would redirect right away. We always had several protections against this kind of attack in place, and the attacker had to go through several iterations of the attack to find the right combination of escape sequences to fool our mechanism. But in the end, he found a way. Which, in a way, is a good thing, because it allowed me to find and fix this issue. Nothing really serious happened, none of your data or your computer has been compromised. Still, I apologize to all of you, something like this should not happen, but nothing is perfect... My thanks to Philip K who stepped in and tried to mitigate the damage while I wasn't around.
Oct 30, 2023 by Philip K
#### ❗🎃 Story Challenge extended by one day! In light of the today's spambot issue and how it disrupted site access for a few hours, the Halloween 2023 story contest has been extended by one day. It will now wrap up **this ++Tuesday++ evening** instead! The **deadline to submit** is now midnight UTC on 11/1, click [here]( to see the exact time in your region. A huge thank you to Martin for fixing the issue so quickly! 😊
Oct 30, 2023 by Philip K
**Please take note:** there is currently a bot-commenter running rampant on the site — we've alerted Martin, and it will be fixed once he has a moment to do so. Please be patient, the site will be back to normal soon. 😊 For now, be aware that any web page which got spammed with the comment will now automatically redirect to a spam site. That includes (a) loading any story that the bot has commented on, and (b) loading the entire comments tab itself. This'll be all fixed once Martin is able to tackle it! (Also, I'll be extending the Halloween contest by a day to account for this unexpected chaos. The contest will now close **tomorrow** instead of today.)
Oct 27, 2023 by Philip K
#### 🎃 This is the final weekend to submit to the Story Challenge! The Halloween 2023 story contest will wrap up **this Monday evening!** The **deadline to submit** is midnight UTC on 10/31, click [here]( to see the exact time in your region. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum — and good luck! Be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest]( and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!
Oct 21, 2023 by Philip K
#### One week left to submit to the Story Challenge! 🎃 👻 The Halloween 2023 story contest will wrap up ++after this weekend++ — the **deadline to submit** is on the evening of **Monday, October 30th** (midnight UTC on 10/31, click [here]( to see the exact time in your region). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread]( on the site's forum. And be sure to check out the stories [already entered into the contest]( and give them a read. Remember, every rating and "Favorite" will count toward their final tally!