Recent Comments

10/19/20, 4:48 PM
Plus its a Canadian story, so ❤ 
10/19/20, 4:47 PM
More please. The ending was a bit abrupt (where did the other guys go? What's Revive's plan?) but otherwise I fucking love this story. One of my favorites. So fucking hot and sexy. Finding athletes in their gear so sexy (especially spandex and especially hockey spandex) and having grown up in a hockey town, this story was amazing.
10/19/20, 4:36 PM
So..Any more to cum..?
10/19/20, 3:49 PM
I want to go on vacation!
10/19/20, 3:37 PM
@Catalust - After reading that story dozens of times, somehow I still managed to get the name wrong! @Tattcub - Tank is one of my favourite transformations ever. "Strong enough to be respected, dumb enough to be happy." @Lytcom - I was looking at that forum post, wondering if I should weigh in. Instead I wrote this. The different stages that Kyle goes through are pulled from the thread. @Martin - Good point! I've added a list of links at the end, mostly to avoid people clicking away midway through ;) And the honour is mine. @absman420 - I can't tell you how many loads I've shot to that story. "I shifted him into first and low-geared our asses home." @Hypnoguy67 - Thanks man! This story is a love letter to those stories and many others. I'd be writing another novel to pay homage to all the stories I love on this site. @Hypnothrill - I hope so, they inspired it. @TransformHeaven - God knows I read enough of it here when I was in university. @anon You're very welcome.
10/19/20, 3:33 PM
I very much enjoyed the way this was set so firmly in 1919, right down to all the little details — using many standard tropes of hypnosis and MC (hypnotic videos, hypnotic audio tracks) but re-filtered through the lens of silent movies, Victrolas, and archaic tropes like The Sheik. Unusual, and refreshing! Part of me did want to see the story keep going, since the use of setting was so interesting and well-done, and I wouldn't have minded at all to see it explored further. Could have easily seen this develop into several chapters, I think! (Probably leading up to the point where the mind-addled narrator is gradually reunited with an equally-addled Adam.) But the story was very fun at its current length too.
10/19/20, 2:43 PM
great great great story! thank you very much!!
10/19/20, 2:31 PM
> If only a university existed where we would provide the reading material! Just wait a couple of hundred years ... :) People will analyze what this century has read and enjoyed. And I think the results might be pretty funny :)
10/19/20, 2:25 PM
If only a university existed where we would provide the reading material! Hot story,Derek, you outdid yourself on this one!
10/19/20, 1:31 PM
An extremely clever and sexy piece of metafiction! I wonder if the guys complaining about the genre on the "Dumbing Down" thread would appreciate it.
10/19/20, 1:04 PM
What a smart and sexy story! I appreciated all the references to classic stories. You are a gifted writer, Derek, and this story is on another level. Awesome work!
10/19/20, 12:55 PM
Of course, you knew I was gonna read and love this story just because of the author and subject matter. But I got a shout out, too!!!! Ah, MIMBO DROPS -- this is before I learned the preferred word was "Himbo" -- I used "Mimbo" because that term had been used on SEINFELD. Thank you so much! What a great fun story. I'm sure I'll cum back to this many times.
10/19/20, 12:51 PM
> ** Still, there is a critical difference between Old Man Bowden’s transformation into the Great One and the Deputy’s and that may have an effect on the rest of the supporting characters** Off the top of my head, it's probably the fact that Bowden technically died while bonding with the Great One, and thus the Great One is 100% symbiont without Bowden's former humanity tempering the symbiont's drive to repopulate, whereas the Deputy is (presumably) health enough to survive the bonding, and thus this second Great One will have more personality- it still has a drive to repopulate, but is more willing to seek a symbiotic relationship between humans and the symbionts, rather than the original Great One, who seems to be willing to basically cordyceps humanity for the sake of the symbionts. So Lane, Snake, and Rugby Boy may yet retain their personality, while still winding up utterly devoted to the Deputy. Alternatively, the Deputy's time as a familiar will create a more equal relationship between himself and Lane, thus setting up the chance for some juicy conflict if Lane attempts to basically make himself king of the bonded- which, let's face it, he probably will try to do. All in all, the stage is set for an epic confrontation between Bowden and his army of symbiont drones, and the Deputy and his ragtag band of rebels. Whatever the outcome, I'm sure we will all be able to shoot loads to the resolution for years to come!
10/19/20, 12:28 PM
Marvelous! I've read this story because of the comments, and I have to say, I'm honored and a bit proud that you chose GSS as a meta-base for your story. But you should have linked to those stories you mention! I had to search them, and some of them were hard to find (as you switched Sinners and Saints for example). Others might have similar problems. And it's certainly an honor for those stories' authors to be mentioned here!
10/19/20, 12:23 PM
I Love this Man, thank you
10/19/20, 12:14 PM
> i cant wait to see where this goes next! > Thank you -- I'm super-glad you're enjoying it! I know what's going on in Book Two isn't everybody's cup of tea, but it really is my intent to create the best plant-based-alien-assimilation-muscle-growth-mind-control story out there. I confess, I've been enjoying writing Book Two WAY more than I thought I would -- perhaps that's why I'd put it off for 15 years -- and I'm curious how you're all gonna feel at the end...? For the record, I initially plotted ten chapters, which would take us to chap 19, but I slowed a sub-plot down (on purpose) and it looks like that's gonna force another chapter out, giving us chap 20 for the end of Book Two. (That means five chapters left from this point.) And believe me when I say it's a twisty-turny journey from here.
10/19/20, 12:05 PM
> If what happened to Murdock after meeting the Great One is anything to go by... > Yeah... it doesn't look good for our cast. Still, there is a critical difference between Old Man Bowden's transformation into the Great One and the Deputy's and that may have an effect on the rest of the supporting characters. (We'll talk more about this in a few chapters.) Still, I think your analysis is spot on.
10/19/20, 11:25 AM
Thank you Derek Williams. This was such a hot story. Extremely relevant with the discussion going on in the forum at the moment. It has been so long since I read a truly great story on this site. Nothing has really appealed to me in a long time, so thank you very much for this.
10/19/20, 11:18 AM
Sinners and Saints episode 2. That brings me back. The other guy being changed into "Tank" was so damn hot. lol. Derek, you did it again. Loved this.
10/19/20, 9:57 AM
I liked this, but the ending felt a little rushed. I wasn't quite sure what the Revive company's agenda was or why the boys were being turned gay. Perhaps a sequel would be in order!
10/19/20, 9:57 AM
Smells and filth - what more could you want in a story?
10/19/20, 9:50 AM
I'd love to meet a 'Jeremy' and have him control me mmm!
10/19/20, 8:37 AM
i cant wait to see where this goes next!
10/19/20, 6:56 AM
Creative, sexy, and even nostalgic with all of the story references! "Sinners and Saints" was one of the first in the genre that hooked me, haha. You're definitely worthy of being added to the curriculum :)
10/19/20, 6:04 AM
that was so hot
10/19/20, 5:17 AM
So HOT! I'd like to see another part.
10/19/20, 4:57 AM
It is a great start! I cant wait to read more!
10/19/20, 3:00 AM
cum up with more!
10/19/20, 2:17 AM