Recent Comments

8/7/23, 3:20 PM
Fantastical story! :star_struck:
8/7/23, 2:39 PM
I like every part of this story except the killing scenes. But still look forward to the next chapter.
8/7/23, 12:31 PM
That’s a great story. Would have been fun to see Kevin wake up with a chastity device

8/7/23, 1:00 PM
@[Tom Rubber](/user/show/923197) Thanks. If I'd write the story today, I might have added such a little twist in the end :)

8/7/23, 2:33 PM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) Perhaps we might see that in your next story?
8/7/23, 11:49 AM
Nice work! I'm really enjoying it. One question: When Dr. Hall will perform a prostatic massage using his hands? Looking forward to it XD

8/7/23, 2:14 PM
@[Legna](/user/show/10009975) The answer is a spoiler haha but I can say that's sooner than you think! 🤐 Thank u for your comment!! ♥️
8/7/23, 1:31 PM
Hi there! Thank you for your comment. I will try and answer some of your questions haha. You will definitely get at least a small introduction to Josh and Teddy, so just sit tight! I wasn't aware you guys didn't use it :smiling_face_with_tear: my program didn't correct it (google docs + grammarly) guess I will keep them in, since they help me compartmentalize. There is no connection really, I added it to exemplify just how in a hurry Tom was, and how he is still getting to know himself // doesn't have a hold into all the things he likes (kind of like a teaser for things he is willing/wants to try). For that last one... Hehe :satisfied: just wait and see! I do take suggestions though! Turns out I write better within a stricter set of boundaries. Go figure :man_shrugging:
7/31/23, 5:04 AM
Going through your catalog right now, really enjoying myself. Loved loved loved (!!!) Greek; I think it's always so interesting to see what authors do with women in gay erotica, especially fantasy/magic erotica. Also thankful that at least someone will be reigning in Lewis in the coming magical harem. fantastic work, thanks for sharing!

7/31/23, 1:35 PM
@[whatknife](/user/show/10003454) @[bluesuedewho](/user/show/1225367) Now I kinda want an ending where Greek, as the one who has both a working brain and the ability to remember how things where even after they change will rule them all.

8/6/23, 8:15 PM
@[whatknife](/user/show/10003454) Thanks! I wanted to do something with a character who could comment on the mind-control/magic stuff without being part of the erotic action. A sort of Greek chorus, if you will :wink:. Some of my favorite long-format erotica stories have women in roles other than 'jilted lover who curses a horrible straight guy with gayness' or similar tropes I see pop up a lot.

8/6/23, 8:16 PM
@[Reader](/user/show/780823) Oh, I have something much more unusual planned for Greek and the boys :smiling_imp:.

8/7/23, 1:12 PM
@[bluesuedewho](/user/show/1225367) Is there a Greek version to "color me curious"?
8/7/23, 9:57 AM
sooo hot!!! amazing transformation descriptions too…
8/7/23, 6:02 AM
Very interesting variation on the mind control trope. Looking forward to leaning more about the app's rules, not to mention meeting Josh and his...conquest. No worries about your writing. The only hint I saw that your first language is Spanish is those inverted punctuation marks at the beginnings of some sentences. I'm sure you just forgot that we don't use them in English - or does your writing program put them there automatically? Maybe you could clarify the connection between the app and Tom's stink? Does Tom's power wane when he's clean? As for suggestions for about Dad washing Tom's body in the shower?
8/6/23, 12:10 PM
Exelent play my id is 1235903

8/7/23, 5:36 AM
@[spiralthiago](/user/show/10015699) Rewards for you! :star_struck:
8/5/23, 6:21 AM
Hi, my id is 641136, i don't know if im entering the codes wrong, but ive tried with hashtags and without and they all say code doesn't exist.

8/7/23, 5:34 AM
@[stonegrey](/user/show/925205) Hey! I just gave you rewards.:blush: As for the promo code - I just tested it and it worked fine :thinking:
8/7/23, 4:33 AM
That’s a really great story. Love rubber and chastity! So hot.
8/7/23, 3:28 AM
I want to thank the people whose writing inspired this story (which is too many to list, but almost everyone I read on GSS and mcstories over the years), and to thank those that read it. I know I was encouraged to keep going by ratings and comments. Special thanks to Topaz, whose story [Various Techniques]( is what lead to my hypno-awakening in college, as well as @[Derek Williams](/user/show/175661) one of my favorite authors who directly encouraged me to finish this story. Go read their stuff. I don't currently intend to write a sequel, but the door is open for one. For more of these characters please see [Sinners & Saints: Tales from Campus]( for short stand-alone stories (more smut, less plot!) After all, the was a week of unexplored kinky gay sex as the campus was corrupted in Chapter 12. I have a few ideas already for Tales from Campus, and always happy to hear more from readers. I also have some ideas for new unrelated stories rattling around in my head that I might put to paper sometime. Thanks again for reading.
8/7/23, 3:08 AM
Ready for the next installment of what is proving to be a great story
8/7/23, 2:44 AM
This is hot.
8/5/23, 8:18 PM
For the next story in this series have you considered training one of the Doctor's "patients" to be a Top. Particularly since the next "patient" is apparently a younger an.

8/7/23, 1:55 AM
@[Malemann54](/user/show/701473) Hello! I didnt consider it YET. Next patient wont be Mr Moore's son, but it's different from these two first patients. BUT I will consider this idea!! I actually like the concept. Thank u for your comment!!! <3
8/6/23, 11:22 PM
Such a classic. The lists are already paying off!
8/6/23, 6:27 PM
Jack, As usual, you/your talents continue to take this story into unimaginable, incredible places!! The way you methodically orchestrate Lex, Donny & Superman's actions to break Jason's mind/'s sheer genius!! I'm a longtime fan of the original 2012 story & you can be certain that Oliver's smiling down upon you (& how you're honoring his story/legacy!)-- So sorry to hear about his passing, but Thank YOU 4 sharing that info with us.....RIP Oliver!!:pray: Bravo, Sir!:fireworks:

8/6/23, 11:11 PM
@[supaboivsvillian](/user/show/10027379) Thank you, I'm sure he's glad people are liking it :)
8/6/23, 10:00 PM
It was a very happy ending!
7/31/23, 4:15 AM
Your stories are always so cleverly humourous, it makes the work that you put in so evident. And I love how comfortable you are with poking fun at the gay community and gay erotica tropes. Also.... crazy crazy hot.

8/6/23, 8:11 PM
@[whatknife](/user/show/10003454) Thanks! I really appreciate it. Takes me a long time to revise stuff, so I'm glad it's not going unnoticed.
8/6/23, 7:59 PM
Great to see you back with a new story, and love what you’re starting to build up here. Can’t wait to see what the captain has planned next
8/6/23, 7:50 PM
so hot, please more
8/5/23, 8:51 PM
where can i read it in spanish?

8/6/23, 6:53 PM
@[Zander](/user/show/10015044) The blog where it was originally posted got deleted years ago (2019 if i'm not mistaken), but i got the transcript of the story that I used to translate it, if you send me an E-Mail I could share it with you

8/6/23, 7:06 PM
@[Gabator72](/user/show/10004577) I sent you an email. Please drop the story
Mar 20, 2020
8/6/23, 6:41 PM
fucking hot, please more of the brothers, great work
8/6/23, 6:05 PM
very nice, hot, more findom, make him your fleshlight property pet
8/6/23, 5:40 PM
8/6/23, 5:20 PM
fucking hot story, cool writen , hot ideas, please more withdrawls and cashrapes, nice hot written, thanks, please more
8/6/23, 4:12 PM
Great series of stories. The last was, to me, the best. It was so hot reading about each getting a blow job while scarfing as much food as they could. Obviously, their appetite for food and their appetite for sex overlap and feed on each other. So damned hot to seem them connected.
8/6/23, 1:10 PM
The murder of the crew is a really dark turn that doesn't feel in keeping with the rest of the story. However, all the descriptions of the hypnotized crewmen are very hot.

8/6/23, 4:06 PM
@[Hypnothrill](/user/show/37386) I agree. I didn't expect a mass killing or suicide in a story about a pirate and his hypnotizing pecs. Other than that, the concept made me chuckle. It is on theme and unique at the same time. I wonder what's next on the agenda and if the rest of the crew are also hypnotized or not, since at the beginning of the battle it looked like they knew what was going to happen.
8/3/23, 1:33 PM
Is there any plans that Tom some time down the line gets his revenge on Tom and makes Dylan his sub. I got the impression that the did that to him at the start of Dylan's stay with the professor.

8/3/23, 1:39 PM
@[br6205](/user/show/10027864) Trust me, Tom and Dylan’s relationship get’s quite complicated

8/3/23, 1:46 PM
@[SlaveBoyJG](/user/show/10017787) Awesome and I should not be surprised after reading you for awhile.

8/6/23, 7:32 AM
@[SlaveBoyJG](/user/show/10017787) Am i sensing romance and power exchanges? :p

8/6/23, 7:50 AM
@june You would not be wrong.:grinning:
8/6/23, 7:41 AM
Hey, Gayskin. Thanks for your comment. I did a piece some years ago, Boilerhouse Boy, that also uses the power of road-sway plus drugs tohypnotise the protoganist - worth checking out if you've got the time. Plus I'm starting a new series, The Faulty Elevator, first chapter has gone in for review so hopefully to be published soon. It's got a cliff-hanger ending so needs another chapter - I'd be grateful for your thoughts on where to take it next. Cheers