Recent Comments

8/16/19, 9:38 AM
good reads ! so hot !! is there any other stories that use similiar plot like this? Good boy turns evil/bad??
8/16/19, 9:18 AM
Another great chapter, can't wait for the next one :D For other candidates for the pack, I think that characters like Beast, Colossus, Wonder Man, Hercules or Drax the Destroyer could fit really well :)
8/16/19, 6:08 AM
Wow! That was so hot! And it felt absolutely authentic. The story progressed pretty much like a real extended induction. i have quite a lot of experience as a hypnosis subject. i find that written inductions are generally less efficient than audio, due i think to the mental focus required to read and the way that focus disturbs any growing trance. Nevertheless this story flowed well and the plot felt like it created enough interest to encourage continued focus and continued reading, and at the same time camouflaged the inductive effect of the words for the reader. Not quite sure if my reaction proves this perspective, since i didn't manage to get as far as the command to cum before i actually came. i only made it to the line, “And since I control your cock, and your cock is the center of your pleasure, and obedience is pleasure, you obey me right?”. Needless to say i would love to read more of this story, and more of your writing generally. So many of the stories on this site leave me feeling like they omitted a very important part of the story -- how the mind control is achieved. You however were so very detailed and open in your representation of the method of induction used by Mark on Connor. i think i found just how effective his method was by falling for it myself. BRAVO! Thanks so much for this great story. ~david
8/16/19, 3:42 AM
Can't wait. Loved this story! Great!!!
8/16/19, 3:41 AM
Great story!! Loved it!!!
8/16/19, 3:41 AM
Getting better. Keep it coming!!!
8/16/19, 3:31 AM
That is a great story. The intro really set it up beautifully. You have an extrodinary talent. Three cheers. ;-)
8/16/19, 2:48 AM
When is part 4 dropping?
8/16/19, 2:33 AM
I hope this story continues, so well written and hot!
8/16/19, 1:12 AM
My energy levels have been very low these last few months, but there's more to come when I can. I can't make promises as to when, as my health is not always cooperative.
8/16/19, 12:45 AM
I would have definitely gone kinkier with this, or lengthened out the ending just a bit. I love the story and definitely got off to it, but I would love to see more with the idea.
8/15/19, 11:23 PM
What an introductory paragraph - descriptive, funny, pornographic - it sets the reader up for the story to cum = I’m the bulky linebacker from every football fantasy. I’m the powerlifter with the thick middle, the heavy legs, and the hulking traps. I’m the pecs. Oh, my lord God, I’m the pecs. Blocky and strong, thick and square, they dominate my upper body. No matter how wide my shoulders might be now, no matter how peaked my biceps, no matter how rounded the bottom of my gut, nothing can pull focus from my chest. No saggy man-breasts or puffy bitch-tits – like this morning – only tight, strong skin, nipples so firm they look stretched. Laughing to myself, flexing in the mirror, bouncing the halves of my prize back and forth, I think, “THIS is the reason you should always drink your milk.” Excellent!
8/15/19, 11:11 PM
I LOVE some of the phrasing: - It took all of my eating skills just to finish him. - The shorts are white with black blotches – “Dalmatian” the ad-copy read – to me, it looks like cow-hide - -“Tell me how happy you are, faggot. Get to the thank-you’s.” Excellent writing, Absman420! As always!
8/15/19, 11:00 PM
Great to see my second-favorite pec muscle story = Milk Man the original - was the first! Thanks for re-posting! Great character development, implicit humor and sexy muscle!
8/15/19, 6:10 PM
This has become my favorite series on this site! Please keep it going!
8/15/19, 4:55 PM
I cant help but feel a little bad for the characters, even though theyre happy theyve still lost their original identities. Well see how Parker feels when he finds out whats happened again that hes lost his job and passion. Still, seeing the men in love is so nice and the changes are hot. Keep at it
8/15/19, 2:54 PM
I jumped for joy when I saw there was a new pollination story. Loved the new exciting twist and can't wait to see where it leads :D
8/15/19, 2:31 PM
Wow. Well done. The two of them being in love does make it better. So does the fact that when they were alone in the house, their minds reverted. Very clever to have Thomas come over and that break the relief from the changes they’d had. Very hot. I can’t wait to read more.
8/15/19, 2:12 PM
Amazing stuff! The transformations are achingly hot, the writing is top notch, and it's nice to see changes happening in a story that come from a positive place (don't get me wrong, I love the stories about aliens and genies and sentient plants, but every once in a while you want to see some *happy* transformations). :p And you've combined two of my biggest buttons--preppy and gymnast. Mmmmmm... ;p
Happy Endings
8/15/19, 1:26 PM
I'm a simple man. I see preppy, I upvote. Well done!
8/15/19, 11:41 AM
> well he had made a business our of it... > Actually, it IS pretty ingenious, as you'll see later, when you learn the Origin Story. Of course, the BULL didn't do it all on his own...
8/15/19, 11:15 AM
Love what you are doing with this series mate. Bookmark worthy stuff!
8/15/19, 10:28 AM
Love it. Now Parker needs to get in a nice suit.Also be hot for them to get some alone time again in there house stop they're not affected to reflect on the changes.
8/15/19, 10:15 AM
Isn't this great? I think so, too -- I doubt there's anyone who can recreate my creepy sense of unease, suspense and erotic growth as well rubbrsome can. I know where the story's going and I'm still excited to read it! It is absolutely a wonderful splice of his world mixed with mine. A quick word on [POLLINATION: The Series]( -- feel free to read it yourself -- it was a story that I completely made up as I went along. I almost never do that. Yes, I had a vague idea about overall plot -- I knew what I wanted the latter half of the book to be (not unlike Stephen King's THE STAND), but I had a LONG way to go before I got to that stuff. Interestingly, I'd just gotten to the brink of what I'd intended to do when I stopped writing it. It was turning into a major novel -- and I hadn't even STARTED the stuff I'd "plotted" -- when I lost the energy for it. But the exercise of following the vines as the Pollination took place really fascinated me, this guy led to this guy led to this guy, etc. and each branch kept blooming and growing in its own unique direction -- and I just let it. I have often considered jumping back in the garden and finishing the novel -- I'm considering it right now, as a matter of fact -- but I believe rubbrsome's take will satisfy us all for a while. This is good stuff, friends -- enjoy the ride! Thank you thank you thank you thank you for writing it!!!!!!
8/15/19, 8:12 AM
I'm loving this series! You do an excellent job of writing the old and new characters, the mental and reality changes, the power dynamics, and of course the sex scenes, it's a great twist compared to a lot of the stories here that they're actually deeply in love through the whole thing, and it's just similar enough to a certain would-be presidential gay couple in real life to be familiar and fun but still different enough to be original and fresh and not just a parody. So good that I honestly want to read it again but from Parker's perspective too. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter, keep up the good work!
8/15/19, 7:05 AM
update please. :(
8/15/19, 7:01 AM
Bibimbap, sorry it's taking so long. Been crazy busy. I have a new chapter in the works as we speak that will introduce two new characters. I have a lot planned for this story. :)
8/15/19, 5:43 AM
very hot! I hope ya do more.
8/15/19, 5:34 AM
It was the most impressive novel I read recently. Thank you so much. I'd like to see Steve and Kevin's story after this someday. I'm curious about Steve's life after Steve's father disappears... And I wonder what "death" looks like in this town. Maybe they will be bound to this town even after their deaths...?