Recent Comments

12/24/23, 3:49 AM
This is an incredible chapter, very well done! I have to say, i love where the story is going, but deep down I wish the Professor had won and we had seen the impact of the procedure in all its full glory. (Pretty sure this is what you start wanting after reading too many of your stories!)

12/24/23, 5:45 PM
@[rodjock](/user/show/227582) Thank you! And, I know what you mean. The professor is such a patently undeserving character that I also wanted to give him the win! I do enjoy watching heroes (and hero adjacents) losing where they think they'll win,... and the consequences! But,... just between you and me,.. maybe the next chapter will scratch that itch? :wink:
12/24/23, 1:48 PM
Trust me, as a bull myself, he does bro.
12/24/23, 1:40 PM
Awesome... can't wait to read more Gunnar's of exploits
12/24/23, 1:18 PM
Finally -- after MUCH formatting and Cover Redo's -- THE CENTAUR'S JOURNEY is available in paperback
12/24/23, 1:04 PM
Needs to be run through a spell checker (e.g. many "to" for "too") and edited for clarity of sentence structure, tense and POV owner.
12/24/23, 7:02 AM
I like it a lot... hope he gets more "revenge" on the bully later ^ ^
12/24/23, 6:20 AM
I think it's an awesome story. I truely wish that someone would be able to do that. It's so Masterly.
12/24/23, 4:41 AM
I hope there are more wishes for the Genie to grant; be they for Peters, Lars or another guy or guys.

12/24/23, 6:18 AM
@[Cutlerfan](/user/show/14171) Try searching for the tag "[genie of the lamp](" on my Tumblr and maybe you can find out early ;)
12/24/23, 5:24 AM
Love your stories so much. Thank you
12/24/23, 5:18 AM
I’d love to see more of these they’re incredible
12/24/23, 4:03 AM
Very hot! Would love to see this continued
12/24/23, 4:00 AM
This is very fun and entertaining story, how inexperienced Fr Frederick is. Patrick needs to hypnotize to learn about gay sex. Research and watch videos. Keep up this fun story.
12/24/23, 3:51 AM
Im glad to read that theres happy ending for this story. Some triggers stayed and hey Tyler and Jesse end up together so that's a win for me.
Dec 22, 2023
12/24/23, 3:18 AM
I really hope there is more!
12/23/23, 10:29 PM
This series just gets better and better! Thank you, Sir

12/24/23, 2:34 AM
@slavethruhypno@! Thank you. There are a lot of arousing stories about these themes to draw upon.
12/24/23, 12:09 AM
So first a moment of being the whining fan. You Made Us Wait So Long! And then the more rational moment. Considering the size of the chapter, it is quite understandable. With that out of the way - What a clever Mom. Such an underhanded tactic providing such results. And yet gave the boys the simplest solution: themselves. As for Burgundy, I'm not seeing any future for him. He is about to turn the place into his own image, against the expectations of the military. They are expecting him to have Rodriguez be the Pilot, not a tool. I'm not seeing an out for him as his ego and greed just keeps going. I suspect its more about how much more damage he causes before he is finally stopped. Even if Nick's acts were in the moment and out of his own 'needs'. He might have just saved both of them a lot of trouble by having SB have no powers. Yet, the underlining threat is still how dangerous they are to each other. Evident when Henry made Nick the new Mister Freedom. So outside influences can still be used against themselves, especially Henry. Even if its perceived to be for the right reasons. No way Tri-Hard or the 'Best Soldier' isn't going to notice that. And what a ride that will be when the duo met Tri-Hard.

12/24/23, 12:23 AM
@[Marik29](/user/show/10021139) Thank you! And, yeah, sorry about the wait! I've had no time to really settle down and get stuck in recently :sleepy: And, yes, I think you've summed up up a lot of what's going on here. The professor is absolutely a train-wreck waiting to happen; it's just a matter of how far he goes before everything goes 'boom!' And everybody knows governments hate having their militaries messed around with more than anything else! As for the rest,... well, maybe there'll be a surprise coming next chapter? :3

12/24/23, 1:18 AM
@[Blazargus](/user/show/10012784) I am will always be greedy for more, but I know not to press artists/writers with that every annoying question, "when is the next one coming?" But other thing I forgot to mention is how amazingly well written several characters change at the 'flip of a hat.' As in how they can go from dominant to submissive and back again. The emotions and the inner dialogue draws you in. Henry and Nick have does this a couple of times already. But also Cop 0 too. Someone so dead set on being the best soldier nearly crumbling to becoming another rubber pup. Its tantalizing. And clearly affects of the enhancements, and it makes me wonder where the chips will land in the end.

12/24/23, 1:38 AM
@[Marik29](/user/show/10021139) Thank you for saying so! It means a lot to hear that :) And feel free to 'pester' me; I'm just as greedy to hear you're waiting on more! There's almost never a day when I'm not writing at least a little, but I've had a lot of days recently where I'm exhausted. It's at least half down to all the wonderful support everyone has been giving me here that I've been able to get anything done at all! That, and I love to explore these stories myself!
12/24/23, 1:07 AM
Looking back at this chapter, this could be one of those great 'what if' moments if Archie let the Eden rep take control of what happened to him.
12/23/23, 2:54 PM
So another great chapter as always but I wanted to check a potential consistency issue. Didnt Sarah say that Nick could not be the Pilot as Tri Hard could imitate Nick and get in through the back door? Im probably missing something I just remember that being why Henry agreed to Rodriguez as the pilot.

12/23/23, 5:15 PM
@[Buck Whitman](/user/show/10001298) I'm glad you mentioned this; there are reasons! Sarah had originally planned to make Nick into Henry's pilot without giving him the same powers. She thought it would be safer and easier that way. But, after Charles makes her reconsider the risks, she concludes that she'd only be making Nick more of a target. _That_ is her real motivation in pushing the boys into this. By being together, the pair should be able to protect themselves and eachother from the villain's manipulations. Despite the compulsions being stronger post-treatment, Nick already shows us how he can subvert them by disregarding **Super Bitch's** words! The same can be done to ignore **Tri-Hard's** mimicry.

12/24/23, 12:04 AM
@Anonymous Ahh,... ^ this is me :3 Now I remember why I don't post from my phone,...
12/23/23, 11:06 PM
Welp there it is. It is inevitable that Matt and Daniel will find each other and Daniel being claimed. Now that they are together, balls are rolling. Josh is hunting them. Damn Daniel, why'd you not remove your watch. Now you put target on your new found family. Im wondering why is this two have very strong effect on each other. Is Daniel like his Soulmate? I thought its Jared? Or maybe he is just special because he is the first one? Cant wait for the next update.
12/23/23, 10:51 PM
loved this chapter great job, wouldn't mind reading some more chapters about these 2 in the future
12/23/23, 9:56 PM
Never did get that extra bike ride
12/20/23, 1:10 PM
Re-read the entirz thing before this chapter (I had completely forgot about Hans!) And man, you really are one of the best authors on the site!

12/23/23, 9:29 PM
@[BobbyBlobfish](/user/show/700733) I’m glad you liked it and thank you for your kind comments. It’s great to know that what you have written is appreciated..
12/23/23, 9:07 PM
You can't even imagine how long I have been waiting for you to post something new here, you're one of my favorite writers on this site. Going to throughly enjoy this!
A very pleased reader
12/23/23, 7:40 PM
Honestly? Great finale for a great story 👏 can’t wait for your next one man, honestly the whole concept of the story and the trigger play really made it for me, awesome!
Dec 21, 2023
12/23/23, 5:58 PM
The paperback version is finally available on Amazon.
6/4/22, 11:11 PM
Sorry working a tonne will be released possibly Monday more likely next Saturday. It’s half finished.

12/23/23, 5:39 PM
@[Anyonka](/user/show/195201) I hope there will be a continuation)
12/23/23, 5:22 PM
I wish the chapters were longer and there were more sex scenes.
12/23/23, 4:40 PM
It was an awesome story! Very hearwarming ending!!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Dec 17, 2023
12/23/23, 4:26 PM
I hope to know what happens next
12/23/23, 4:24 PM
The early exposition is a bit clunky, and there are a lot of I written as "i" and missing "." But it's a good story, even if a bit confusing at first.