Recent Comments

12/9/20, 5:15 AM
Although I liked the twist at the end, the story itself just wasn't dark enough for my tastes. I think it's fine that we don't see much resistance from Dom, who signed up for this. But to me, the story would be a lot hotter if we saw some resistance from one of the supporting pornstar characters--or even just saw them do something uncanny like sing Paragon's praises in a way that sounds scripted, or suddenly change personalities in response to a director's verbal commands. I think the story was well-written, and I'm happy to see that other people are loving it and giving you the praise you deserve. But personally, I just found it mildly arousing, and it didn't get me off.
12/9/20, 3:21 AM
very hot so glad u posted it this has been my all time fav long story ever. Always glad to see Bob and Pablo togther
Oct 3, 2010
12/9/20, 1:58 AM
This is early BLUFMAN, and his work only got better with time. Clearly one of the more original writers on this site.
12/8/20, 11:42 PM
Where can i sign up?
12/8/20, 11:30 PM
While stories where the victim is aware he is being brainwashed but ultimately succumbs are always hot, there's also something very delicious and sexy in the irony of the victim being led by his nose, none the wiser, while we know exactly what's happening to him.
12/8/20, 10:45 PM
> Loved the clueless progression as the temperature rises in and out of the story > This was my greatest concern in the story -- that Dom never realizes anything's happening to him. There's no moral struggle, or no lost personality, he's simply clueless. I didn't know if it would play well or if everybody would be, like, "There's no inner turmoil!"
12/8/20, 10:42 PM
Fantastic job! Loved the clueless progression as the temperature rises in and out of the story, and a great sexy payoff.
12/8/20, 9:58 PM
Real good.
12/8/20, 9:18 PM
This was an awesome story. It had great sensory imagery, a good progression, and a mix of very hot sex scenes. another
12/8/20, 8:41 PM
So fucking hot!!
12/8/20, 8:22 PM
Not American or British. Still found it natural-sounding. But what happened to Kurt? I was expecting him to be revealed as the culprit when Mark heard the witch's voice or to save him thanks to his insomnias but he never reappears!
12/8/20, 7:52 PM
Absman420 this is amazing. Please give us more of this!! would love to see who the mastermind behind the studio is. Thank you for sharing this delicious fantasy with us.
12/8/20, 7:45 PM
That was honestly my first instinct, but then after reading, I remembered your "Coach Austin" moniker. Figured there was no harm in asking for clarification.
12/8/20, 7:43 PM
> Quick question: is “Austin” a self-insert? > No -- a reference to the stupidly beautiful Austin Wolf, my recent favorite.
12/8/20, 7:19 PM well done !!!
12/8/20, 7:12 PM
Erratic101 - <3 tomozco - Dont you worry, for you, I can wait forever(?) <3 And I am more of a cop guy rather than firefighters, so no problem there :P But if I may, I would like if you could add more spotlight to older men rather than young ones this time. But this is, again, a personal taste, you do you, you are amazing <3
12/8/20, 6:56 PM
As per usual, Abs, a masterpiece. It's long, but it's the good kind of long that keeps stringing you along, and you don't mind the length. The use of 2nd-person perspective in the hypno scenes was really creative, I don't think I've seen the perspective flip back and forth like that before. The progression from what was probably a pure fantasy scene, to maybe a live show, to a shoot under the influence of hypnosis, was well executed. And the little stinger at the end- that the company uses hypnosis to not only train its stable of performers, but also brainwash them into becoming prostitutes- was such a hot touch, almost makes me want a sequel! And yes, the sex scenes were phenomenal. You have a great talent for doing blow-by-blows that don't dissolve into the florid mire of one Fennimore-Cooper. Quick question: is "Austin" a self-insert?
12/8/20, 6:23 PM
I thought you did a good job with the changes; they were subtle, and quite believable. 🙂
12/8/20, 6:03 PM
Kyle - Thanks so much for your support and feedback! ;) Udems - Haha...and since you asked, yes, as I might have hinted to before, the police would be coming up. But I haven't started on it yet, so please bear with me and stay tuned! No plans for firefighters at this time though.
12/8/20, 5:36 PM
Brilliant and so very, very hot.
12/8/20, 4:06 PM
> Now that my friend, was a thing of beauty. > I just wanted to remind everybody that I could write a sex scene. > I so need to get writing again here. > I couldn't agree with this more.
12/8/20, 3:59 PM
Now that my friend, was a thing of beauty. Thanks Absman as always. I so need to get writing again here.
12/8/20, 2:31 PM
You really are one of the best! cant wait to see more of you here :)
12/8/20, 12:50 PM
Very nice story ! Well written.
12/8/20, 11:27 AM
soooooo hot, I loved the fact that his cock grew so much he couldn't even use it just had to have the cum fucked out of him
Nov 26, 2020
12/8/20, 11:15 AM
Very excited to see where this goes! Great work, man!
12/8/20, 8:41 AM
Sooooo hot, can wait for more. I love this story very much
12/8/20, 7:58 AM
so hot. i love big subs!
12/8/20, 7:57 AM
udems is always spot on with the comments. lovely story as usual!
12/8/20, 6:37 AM
Ah, this is always nice to see. thanks for this new installment! I hope everything went well with the moving thing~ And since you asked, you already got families and sports team, business, perhaps some cops or firefighters?