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Author Title Total Words Published
Author Title Total Words Published
In a dystopian world experiencing a fertility crisis, Cameron signs up for a challenge trial of a fertility drug. It's weird that he has to have a roommate while he lives on this military base for a year, and weirder still that Finn, his roommate, is a former convict. But Cpl. Bowen Hains, seems cool - even though he's a little too eager for them to participate in this drug trial.
Zach's buddy swears up and down that a shot and a day's quarantine is more than worth it to spend a vacation on this little island nobody else has heard of - but what will they do for a whole day together in the hotel before they can get out and have fun?
Antony doesn't know why this little drama on the dance floor leaves him so entranced. But he's drawn to it, and that doesn't happen to an ancient Roman God every day.
The world's been ravaged by a virus that makes the infected obedient to the one that infected them. For those who've survived, it's no longer a big deal, but to those important enough to be spared before the Plague, getting infected is a perilous affair. Taylor and Chris are out scavenging when a fortunate turn of events brings them in contact with someone they don't expect.
Codec isn't much of a superhero. His powers allow him to manipulate and read information. But he's always concealed the extent of those powers because he never really wanted the cape life in the first place. A chance encounter in the gym showers is gonna change all that.
Francis' life was shattered in a cycling accident. Now he's trying to find a new road through life.
Kyle's travelling all the way to the Adriatic for a summer gig at this reclusive resort. A hodge-podge of other men from all over Europe are there too, but new employee orientation takes a really unexpected turn.