Recent Comments

12/21/16, 7:07 PM
Great start! Can't wait for the next chapter!
12/21/16, 7:06 PM
Great job with many possibilities to explore. The colllege athletic team, like football, can be benefitted from having these new students to join the team or having a variation of the program to transform them directly to players.
12/21/16, 4:59 PM
Very good job hypno I enjoyed this . Loved the "juice" touch as it reminded me of my first taste of it . Hope to read more from you . Would love to read if your interested in dad and son watch the game
12/21/16, 2:01 PM
you sir surprised me a lot! Knowing your usual stories, the plot really was something different from your usuals. I love it! Not only do you cater to your fans but you also surprise them! Keep up the good work and have a great day! :D
12/21/16, 1:44 PM
Hooray! What an AMAZING conclusion (I'm reading this on my way to work, and now wish I wasn't going to work so I could "enjoy" it some more.) ;p No one writes like you do, Hypnothrill. I love the descriptions of just how much the HD infection spread--and that shot of an entire room full of guys slack-jawed and being hypnotized is PERFECT. I also like how, even though this story does feature more explicit sexual acts, you don't skimp on the dumbing down, muscle descriptions, and mental changes that many of us (me included!) crave. In short, you're awesome. Enjoy your vacation!
12/21/16, 1:18 PM
Oh, it's sweet! Although I felt like it's a little too "smooth", I guessed it's just me want to see them struggled for a while. BTW, wondering how many heroes are controlled by the Director.
12/21/16, 11:31 AM
Cockslime is a great word (precum itself is pretty great as well)
12/21/16, 10:52 AM
Aye laddie ... got to love a scottish ginger ...
12/21/16, 8:03 AM
I keep coming back to this. One of my new favorites on this site.
12/21/16, 6:12 AM
Hot sex, great plot, and perfect amount of MC. Loved it!
12/21/16, 5:43 AM
Super hot! I'm loving the other stories on your Tumblr too!
12/21/16, 5:31 AM
Very nice story! And yes, reading on Tumblr with the pics is much more interesting!
12/21/16, 4:25 AM
Love the story and love the Tumblr even more! Well done!!!
12/21/16, 3:21 AM
Not bad vault keeper But reading it on your Tumblr page the pics help
We'lre All Mad Here
12/21/16, 2:28 AM
While not a completely faithful adaptation of Goblin Market, it was close enough that I could appreciate it in the poetic sense. As for the erotic sense, I may have to lie down for a while now.
12/20/16, 10:53 PM
Nice to see some human warmth and romance amid all the lust. Thank you for this.
12/20/16, 7:21 PM
Aw, I was really hoping the Bear would enslave everyone haha. Well-crafted story though!
12/20/16, 5:50 PM
Wow, dude, this was really great. Bad prose can be endured, but bad poetry is really something else, so this was a risk! But you pulled it off - I don't think I'd dare. Super fun read. Thanks for posting it.
Feb 23, 2014
12/20/16, 3:59 PM
12/20/16, 3:51 PM
I loved it! One of the few stories on this site that actually feels like a proper story. Hope you keep making them!
12/20/16, 2:43 AM
Thanks for answering questions and I will stay tuned to see what happens
12/20/16, 1:43 AM
12/19/16, 11:22 PM
such a twist who is mind fucking who then at the end the Director also wow loved it
12/19/16, 11:15 PM
I for one love the romance aspect of this story. I can really see the chemistry between jack and cal. I think a story with a good ending with cal and jack ending together will be good for this but considering the author, I don't have my hopes up. Still the chapter is superb!
12/19/16, 10:22 PM
12/19/16, 2:44 PM
I'm generally not a huge fan of poetry. That being said, I enjoyed this. I'm glad that you chose to share it with the community. I appreciate creativity in many forms. This was really good. I cannot fathom the 3rd response. The word that comes to mind there is bizarre. But to each his own. Please keep up your contributions. I, for one, look forward to them :-)
12/19/16, 1:53 PM
I really have to admit that your stories are just perfectly written - humorous, slutty and extremely hot. As an aspiring writer I'd hope to become just as good eventually! Are you reading these comments?
12/19/16, 1:48 PM
bigunynj, I'm not sure if I understand your request correctly. Yes, it was intentional that Corin does remember his transition. In fact, his brain will register and store everything that has happened to him just perfectly, as a droid, he has an eidetic memory now. The question is whether the professor allows his current personality to have access to that information. Which he usually doesn't do. But I have certain ideas what's going to happen to Corin, to keep the story interesting. That also includes his personality itself, of course, so stay tuned. And thank you for your interest in the story, that's very welcome!
12/19/16, 10:12 AM
Real story telling, in whatever form it may take, is truly an art form ... erotica is no exception and does not need to be blatantly descriptive to work its magic and stimulate ones own imagination. This is the case here. Wonderful job as usual ... ignore any haters and keep conjuring from that bubbling cauldron in your mind.
12/19/16, 10:06 AM
Well that was fucking awesome. Not remotely a turn on for me ;-) but that was not the point. It was a joy to read and see the talent you have. I loved it.Thanks again for that. Was actually really refreshing to see something like this.