Stories by

S. Q. Neemie

Author Title Words Published
Joe was slumbering peacefully after his work shift when two skaters practicing tricks just outside his window wake him up. He goes out to confront them, but the potential fight that's brewing between the three men suddenly changes when a pink wall of fog roars past them.
The beginning of the endgame. Tanner, Peter, and the over-eighteens meet again where it all started. Blake is delayed.
Richard Benson, crack reporter for the local news, is onsite when there's a spill of a pheromone spill at a local chemical plant. It's a reporter's dream to be at the source of a story, so why is Richard more interested in sucking the cock of the security guard than reporting on the spill?
The case is over, and nothing’s left but the clean-up. But in Detective Carrington’s world, nothing is ever as it seems, and the next danger is always just around the corner…
Detective Carrington wakes up tied up in the basement of the High Himbo Club. Will he be able to escape his bonds and apprehend the Cumslayer?
At long last, Detective Carrington makes it into the swanky interior of the High Himbo Club. Will he catch up with Scott again, or are both of them walking into a trap?
Jed's been feeling the special tingle in his neck that usually indicates he's going to change into another dude's desire--but no change is happening! Is the magic going away, or is something else going on?
Grandad Porter tells a story on Christmas Eve night about a trick Satan Nick plays on Everett Mueller, a miner in the town of Squirrellyburg, and how the famous giant Paul Bunyan helped Everett out of his difficulty. This is an (admittedly belated) emergency entry for Secret Satan, inspired by the tags "muscle growth," "hair," and "hyper cum."
Jed runs an errand to the local hardware store and finds a guy who has been fantasizing about a guy he used to bully. Jed puts the guy in his place and then shows him what it's like to have your victim on top.
Jed's best friend Ricky has a grandma who thinks she's a witch. When Ricky's grandma gives Jed a stone that allows him to change form, Jed learns how powerful a witch she truly is--and how good it feels to use the stone to seduce the men around him. This is a Secret Satan story, brought to you by the assigned tags "redneck," "small top big sub," and "shapeshifter."