Stories written by

Ethan White

Author Title Words Published
Clay Tanner should have really considered doing more thinking in his free time. Just in general. It would have helped. But, more specifically, he should have thought twice before harassing some poor guy in the university library.
After Frankie received a pretty pink thong from his boyfriend Gino, his booty and his sex-life dramatically improved. But now that he's regularly getting plowed by his boyfriend and a bunch of other guys besides, he's starting to think that Gino, with his disappointingly-flat ass, is getting a little boring.
Corey Cooper is the 4.0 GPA star quarterback of Selene City University by day. By night, he is the superhero Tempest, one of the Hall of Heroes' finest, and protector of his city. He is a veritable golden boy, but he has a dark secret: he fantasizes about being enslaved by the most notorious supervillain still around.
Rob escapes small town life when he receives an invitation from a prestigious institution in Scotland to study there. He is glad for his newfound freedom, but soon regrets not paying closer attention to the rules of the Aurelius Academy for Arts and Sciences.
The members of a fundamentalist congregation discover a brand new way to show devotion.
Had a long day? Feeling tired? Stressed? Why don't you come in. Let's have a little chat. I promise it will be worth your time.
Isaac’s boyfriend of 4 years, Kevin, has walked out on their relationship, claiming that he has been “cured” and that he doesn’t want to be with the “faggot” anymore. He is miserable and bereft and desperate so he turns to ancient powers, willing to give up anything and everything to have Kevin back. The only problem is that this is easier said than done.
Corey Cooper is the 4.0 GPA star quarterback of Selene City University by day. By night, he is the superhero Tempest, one of the Hall of Heroes' finest, and protector of his city. He is a veritable golden boy, but he has a dark secret: he fantasizes about being enslaved by the most notorious supervillain still around.