Iterations of a Hivemind

A last surviving nanite from the Galactic Standard Hive invades Dan (an organic unit), but an error causes sexual rather than asexual replication. Each new iteration of Dan's core persona evolves further from Dan(version-0) and Standard Form (Version-0)
Community Series

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Author Title Words Published
Dan-5 has never been an individual, can barely comprehend what it might be like... But an encounter with the Standard Form leaves him isolated from his hive in a freshly assimilated brain.
A last surviving nanite from the Galactic Standard Hive invades Dan (an organic unit), but an error causes sexual rather than asexual replication. Each new iteration of Dan's core persona evolves further from Dan(version-0) and Standard Form (Version-0)
Having merged with the remnant of an alien the newly born Hivemind Dan-2 pursues his newly acquired main interests, gay sex and world conquest...
DAN-11 arranges a romantic candle-lit assimilation for a pair of hot individuals