Krakoa Chronicles

Colton is a mutant and new to the island nation of Krakoa. After a bit of exploration he stumbles across a mysterious area where he meets another inhabitant of the island with powers very different from his own. The two seem to feel a connection towards each other and only time will tell what will become of it.
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Spinel has been day dreaming about his encounter with Colton for days and longing to see him again. Colton ends up returning to the Rose Quartz Hedge to... get back the shirt he left? Or was it just a ruse to get to see Spinel again? They end up spending the day together finding a lot more comfort in each others company than either have ever known before.
Colton is a mutant and new to the island nation of Krakoa. After a bit of exploration he stumbles across a mysterious area where he meets another inhabitant of the island with powers very different from his own. The two seem to feel a connection towards each other and only time will tell what will become of it.