Curated List

Stage Hypnosis/Mass Hypnosis

Curator: 11037

last change on May 3, 2024

Hot stories involving hypnosis done on multiple people in semi-public, sometimes with humiliation elements
The start of a new classic from 4091
A particularly wicked stage show story that blends humiliation and sex appeal equally
Very clever while also very hot: Another sadistic stage hypnotist like in "Mike...", but explicitly sexual this time
Stage show story that takes advantage of the 1st person POV to create some pretty out-there scenarios
Classic hypnotist story with an awesome sleepwalking scene
An entire class falls under the spell of the hypnotist
Weird, but wonderfully twisted take on the chicken routine
Already a perfect storm of debauchery from the first paragraph
An entire lecture hall becomes the playthings of their professor in this story
Start of a new stage hypnosis series
Hypno Ty is asked to perform a hypnosis show at an all-male university just before Spring break. The university student president's roommate leaves a gift for Hypno Ty that will help make the show far more exciting.