Recent Comments

8/24/23, 4:28 PM
I can’t wait for next installment , had to read it twice , got distracted first time , hehe.
8/24/23, 3:42 PM
Can’t wait to see what happens next for the boyfriend……
8/24/23, 3:17 PM
I agree with Martin. This keeps getting better. The mystery and suspense is keeping me hard. Will Liam's cousin find him in the rubber suit? Will the cousin loose muscle mass to Liam if he sticks his cock in mannequin Liam? Will his whole body be absorbed? Seems like his dad knew he may have screwed up by swapping loads while Liam was suited up.
8/24/23, 2:56 PM
The bro-code! LOVE how Sammy takes the lube as a sign! And everything else!
8/24/23, 2:21 PM
LOVED the expanding stomach and churning of guts! A truly exciting story!
8/24/23, 1:57 PM
Intricate details -- I wondered throughout whether you had actually had the experience you write about, it was so vivid. I especially liked the fact that the Alex still doesn't realize what's going on. MORE!
8/24/23, 11:05 AM
Hot series!
8/23/23, 9:42 AM
I am truly sorry you felt like that. Comments can get really intense and emotional and I guess people (me included) didn't realize how much it effects you. I know it might be weird to say it now, after you had to suffer the emotional crisis, but do consider that the comments were so heated was because your story was written extremely well and was able to awakeb such energy from people. I can say about myself but I think others will agree that my comments and criticism were not directed to you at all. At no point I thought this story was reflective of you and how you are as a person. I guess this is part of the problem because if I had considered that, I would've been less harsh. So yeah, I'm really sorry and I did not intend to hurt you or put you in any kind of distress. As for this chapter itself, I think it was written excellently. We can now see that Matt wants to partake in this form of relationship on his own volition and that Oliver does still want to speak to him as a boyfriend. I would've liked it even more of Oliver would've set some time for Matt to still draw like he likes, but this is a minor thing and really a matter of taste. I should mention that this isn't one of my kinks so it effects my view of this story, but regardless of that you did a great and captivating job. I hope we didn't discourage you too much and that you feel better.

8/24/23, 10:43 AM
@[Finn](/user/show/10003917) Oh shit, didn't notice I was on anonymous. Let me fix that. I wrote that comment.
8/24/23, 7:49 AM
awesome. I hope you continue the story.
Aug 24, 2023
8/24/23, 7:36 AM
Very intriguing.
8/24/23, 6:54 AM
oh my gods this made me cum twice in a row :heart_eyes: thank you!!!
8/24/23, 5:22 AM
Hot chapter. I wonder who is next on Jokers list. Hope it's Batman himself.
8/24/23, 1:32 AM
Yesss, a sequel to one of my absolute favourite stories on this site!! Absolutely amazing work once again, so hot in a thousand little specific ways. Such a fun take on mind control, the convincing, the casualness, the publicity, the obliviousness. Slightly bending and reshaping social cues to make hot, sweaty, masculine men display and expose themselves in vulnerable and erotic ways. The ease with which the kind controller rewrites the rules, not even bothering to dress the part of a nurse, just here to have fun. It’s all just so so good, love your stuff
8/24/23, 1:27 AM
OMG - I absolutely loved this. Great job! It really ticked off so many of my boxes. I hope to read more from you!
8/24/23, 1:01 AM
So happy to see this fic getting another update. The plot thickens and the mystery deepens. Where did Liam's dad get the suit? What is it doing to their minds? How is it making them grow? So many questions waiting to be answered. I'm hoping there is a suit of his own in Liam's future, and maybe some posing trunks just like his dad's now that he's following in his bodybuilding footsteps. Hopefully we'll get to explore where the suit came from as well and discover whatever mysterious force is behind it. Keep up the great work, can't wait for the next update.
8/23/23, 11:12 PM
This is so incredibly hot! I love how Liam's dad couldn't control his impulses and let his lust take over, possibly dooming Liam. Really, really looking forward to what comes next! The only criticism I'd have is that his dad's eyes are described as brown first and then blue later on.

8/23/23, 11:44 PM
@[Lampshade15](/user/show/277649) Great catch! Changes incoming :smile: (Same could be said for the protagonist...)
8/23/23, 8:57 PM
This is just soooo hot. It's pressing all my buttons!

8/23/23, 11:43 PM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) Glad you enjoyed it
8/23/23, 11:40 PM
This was great! Love how Liam's daddy doll corrupted him into fucking him.
8/23/23, 10:40 PM
So so happy that you're continuing this as an anthology, I love it so much! Would love to see all of the havoc that Jamie spreads by having guys watch him IRL and in videos. Greg's gift is so hot to me too.
8/23/23, 8:33 PM
Interesting buildup, hot ending. Looking forward to see where this goes next with dad joining the gym too!
8/22/23, 1:44 PM
I will wait for the continuation

8/23/23, 7:59 PM
@[Zander](/user/show/10015044) Thank you so much!
8/22/23, 1:38 PM
Es emocionante leer una historia en un idioma distinto del inglés. Un desarrollo emocionante y lógico que pide una secuela.

8/23/23, 7:59 PM
@[Portuguese Lion](/user/show/572598) Muito obrigado, Portuguese Lion! Espero que la secuela esté a la altura. Tomará un tiempo, no mentiré ;)
8/22/23, 12:46 PM
¡Esta es una secuencia de control mental extremadamente apasionante! ¿Esto va a continuar?

8/23/23, 7:58 PM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) ¡Muchas gracias! With this reception I'll definitely write a continuation. Also, danke schön for the Spanish! :blush:
8/23/23, 5:49 PM
Super hot! Would love to see a companion piece about someone wanting to become popular and then running into airheaded little Andy…
8/23/23, 5:43 PM
I keep on coming back here to see if Chapter 6 is in. Honestly in love with this series. Master @Kods, have mercy. Please bless us with your chapter 6 🙏
8/23/23, 5:40 PM
Great stuff. You could add in some other kinks as well, for example the preppy guy who tums into a skinhead or punk complete with boots, piercings and tatts
8/23/23, 5:23 PM
Could you please make your chapters a little longer in the future? They should have more than 1000 words. For now I've approved it, but usually we need at least 1000 words per chapter. Thanks.
8/22/23, 7:51 PM
Welcome to the writer's room!!! You've done a good job for your first submission. It definitely has room to go in different directions if you want to continue on with it. You could definitely explore the relationship between Gavin and Anthony and its effect on Anthony's life as Chief and husband and father. Or you could just explore the relationship in and of itself. I could see Gavin being brought in the department and working his technique in a lieutenant or sergeant or two or three. But your first piece is a very good start for your pieces on this site; so welcome again to the writer's side of the site and please keep on producing stories like these.

8/23/23, 5:03 PM
@[New Guy in Town](/user/show/820450) Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I've been writing another longer-form story with similar power dynamics, hopefully I could explore those possibilities there.
8/23/23, 5:02 PM
The concept is inspired and I really like how you break the father/son line. Once you cross the line, don't hold back. Give me some of their memories together. Get BAD!
8/23/23, 12:43 AM
First things first: This was amazing. Well written and paced. Showing the characters and all that. Well described and consisten. Sublime. On a second note, love it. It has almost everything I like to see. Big strong hetero DILF in a position of power enslaved by a yonger man and made into a bottom. Unaware of this being wrong! I'd have loved some feet into the mis but thats just a personal taste, that does not rest any point to this story. Please keep it up~

8/23/23, 4:58 PM
@[Udems](/user/show/16223) Hey. Appreciate the kind words! I did not have the word DILF in mind when I wrote it, but it did turn out that way. :D