Recent Comments

1/27/19, 1:15 AM
Amazing! in love with it!
1/27/19, 1:13 AM
kinda/sorta hot...a bit A B C, but you covered most of the bases...looking forward to what comes next....I.J. S.
1/27/19, 12:46 AM
I love it ! please keep going !
1/26/19, 11:52 PM
Wow, what an amazing story. It hit so many nerves and emotions with me personally (maybe with most readers?). The writing is as good as it needs to be, but the thoughts that you're able to articulate really hit a spot - in fact, several spots. So much psychological depth despite the theme of "don't think just love and fuck." Hard to find words to express how much I appreciate this story! Bravo!!
1/26/19, 10:35 PM
Hot story. Love being a faggot to an office full or blissfully unaware ALPHAS. My personal fantasy would have poor Tony being skull fucked,and ass fucked by scores of men,even on the way home. And have them not notice anything was wrong..leaving out the mindless march at the end. but still hot
1/26/19, 8:50 PM
Cock shrinking is great. found myself wanting to take squeak really bad.
1/26/19, 8:46 PM
Soooooo part 5 is out tomorrow?
1/26/19, 7:13 PM
great idea! love the cock shrinkage with the butt growth.
1/26/19, 7:08 PM
Hypnothrill, this is what is called "race play", a fantasy, just like your "Caravan of Love" story. As a latino, I could have easily been offended by your caravan story, but I know this site is about fantasy, and I don't want to stifle any sort of creativity. So please do not stifle Elan's creativity by insinuating his story was racist when your story could easily be interpreted that way too.
1/26/19, 6:16 PM
love it!!!! I can't wait for the next cap... <3
1/26/19, 6:09 PM
Don't let the failure of a few misguided souls discourage you from doing what (a) you enjoy and (b) have an obvious talent for. I, for one, am really enjoying this story and the progression of the story and characters. It's well written, seems well planned, and is very hot. I don't write, but have been reading on here for years. And, I've seen very few instances of people stealing other's work. I'd report it on the other site mentioned and let their moderators handle it. But don't let it discourage you. This story has quite a few followers on here, and judging by the votes, very well liked. There will always be assmites about. Don't let them change you.
1/26/19, 4:58 PM
This is getting interesting... A suggestion though, after collecting every men of the founding Justice League members (I want both Hal and John present). Peterson is worried about his hypnosis being broken and created a failsafe like a Mind Control Cock ring similar to Superman's red kryptonite cock ring. But this will ensure them to be loyal and obedient sex slaves. After taking over the Watchtower, he is basically the king. Putting key men in position of Authority under his control, even Lex Luthor will grovel his feet just to taste Mr. Peterson's cum. Thinking of Justice League men only wearing leather bdsm costume is just engaging. Hope you continue this further.
1/26/19, 4:53 PM
The sex part of the story is hot. Had the professor been the imposing 'white dude', then I would have had more problem with the color issues. The professor in that instance would have been in a 'master' position by virtue of the control he exercises as teacher. But with the student in control, I'm not sure it matters. It's such a fine line that requires tact in storytelling.
1/26/19, 4:50 PM
Seconding LongtimeFan. Your work has broadened my perspective over the years in many ways -- yeah it's pretty twisted, but hey, there are other sites for "not twisted." Great writing, nice story, thanks for continuing to share with us.
1/26/19, 4:46 PM
A few less questions and parrot responses would be nice, example- "where are you going?" "where am i going?" "yeah where are you going?" "i dont know where im going."
1/26/19, 4:37 PM
Wow! this was great! Love the original idea, hope theres more to come!
1/26/19, 12:48 PM
That was INCREDIBLE! What an ending! Tragic, revolting, and heartbreaking...Bruce's inner monologue after his second transformation was pure poetry. The line "Nothing had changed...just the filters" was beautiful, and the horrible nihilism as he approached the depths of his issues--"Because happiness would require change, and work, and admitting that something inside himself didn't want to be happy..."--was both terrifying and achingly familiar. Only you could take the idea of "Man turns into pig" and turn it into a stark look at gay dating, power dynamics, and the anxieties that, I think, plague many men in our community. Well done, sir. Well done.
1/26/19, 10:58 AM
The choice was purposeful, but less about economic status, and more to keep him relatively young.
1/26/19, 10:56 AM
Since you're in the process of editing, I'll just bring up a small point that probably only matters to me: Did you mean for Jaxson to be an Adjunct Professor? Adjuncts are not full-time faculty, and they're hired on a course-by-course basis (and thus are paid less than Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors). Some adjuncts can't even afford housing or health insurance, and so for a moment I thought you were trying to make a pointed comment on Jaxson's low economic status.
1/26/19, 10:35 AM
I am removing the change in speech patterns at the end though, I sense it will make a lot of you uncomfortable and adds nothing to my personal enjoyment of this kink.
1/26/19, 10:28 AM
I went back and forth on the dialect, and on writing this story at all to be honest. As a black man who finds this kind of thing arousing I find myself in a weird space to occupy.
1/26/19, 10:26 AM
I'm a white guy, and so I don't want to get all self-righteous about racial representations that make me uncomfortable. But for me, this story's allusions to the history of African-American slavery (and the transformation of Jaxson's speech into stereotypical slave dialect), cross a line into white supremacist territory.
1/26/19, 9:45 AM
Remaining her's, should now be fixed. There are some parts I feel could do with being re-written, but I figure it's not my story, so I've just done the bare minimum to fix the obvious problems. If anybody else wants to re-write the necessary bits, feel free to do so. Just make sure you give credit to the original author.
1/26/19, 9:22 AM
Will you still plan to write the "jocks disappearing one by one" story? That sounds very interesting!!
1/26/19, 9:18 AM
Wow! Seems like you had read my mind. My first love broke my heart and I have always thought of doing exactly what Jack did
1/26/19, 7:58 AM
What you need now,is to introduce a drug called ROAR,that makes a cock bigger,users more TOP.Bet it would be popular amongst the criminals.?
1/26/19, 5:05 AM
Thank you to those who have commented so positively - it is very motivating. Why 'The Lost?' Well, when I originally conceived the story, it was going to involve a much younger 'professor' character who invented the nanite conversion process and used it to exact revenge on a group of rich, privileged jocks who had taunted him at university for being geeky/gay/lower class/bad at sports. The straight jock characters were going to disappear one by one, with the main protagonist [the nicest of the jocks] acting as a kind of amateur detective trying to track them down. I called it 'The Lost' and wrote one chapter before conceiving the present version of the story. The title does not fit this newer version so well, but I guess you could say that the synthetics are lost to humanity [and perhaps to God?] because they are no longer actually human.
1/26/19, 5:00 AM
Always loved this one. Thanks for bringing it back.
1/26/19, 4:39 AM
So well written
Willie Cici
1/26/19, 4:34 AM
This was an incredible series. I enjoyed every episode/chapter, even re-read a couple along the way. Keep writing other stories. I am sure I'm not the only reader who enjoyed your story.