Recent Comments

4/2/24, 8:52 PM
This story just needs another chapter! At least one! Did you disable the ratings on purpose? I'd love to show my praise with high ratings!

4/2/24, 8:55 PM
@[Corin](/user/show/125990) More chapters are coming! Thank you for letting me know about the ratings, didn't even know you could do that, must have accidentally hit the ratings button, fixed now!
Apr 22, 2019
4/2/24, 5:40 PM
One of the horniest stories I've read here so far.
4/2/24, 3:54 PM
Tengo una duda que espero me puedan responder, en cuestión de desarrollo de personajes, o personalidades cual les gusta más, se que no es que sean los personajes más distintivos pero en lo que hay cual les gusta más, en cualquier aspecto, personalidad, trasero, polla, historia... :penguin:
4/2/24, 3:50 PM
Cualquier idea que tengan puede hacérmela saber, recomendaciones, expectativas, dudas, recuerden que sino quieren que les conteste al final colocan un "*". Entre todo me gustaría saber que piensa de la ":shit:" que se hablo en la entrevistacon Asher, depende de sus comentarios si lo implemento o no, también puede que sea una historia aparte, de cualquier forma los estaré leyendo gracias siempre :heart:
4/2/24, 3:46 PM
Aquí en la zona de comentarios tu mensaje será bien cuidado, las nalgas competitivas de Ben "sujetarán" cada comentario, entre más largo sea el comentario más adentro de ese agujero tendrá que entrar, así no se le escapara nada, ¿no es así Ben? :love_letter: R: Ummm si... ¡YO OBTENDRÉ LA VICTORIA, ABRAN ESE CULO CHICOS! :peach:
4/2/24, 2:55 PM
Just finished this story and I absolutely loved it! Definitely one I’ll keep coming back to in the future!
4/2/24, 2:15 PM
Jizztastic man.
4/2/24, 1:57 PM
I’d also love if he already made changes. I really want to see him slowly lose all his newfound iq again, nothing is hotter than losing perception and understanding of the situation until it’s too late.
4/2/24, 9:42 AM
Always happy to read another cockatrice story. The creativity is always off the charts!
4/2/24, 9:25 AM
Soooo fucking hot hope we see Scorch empty those big fucking balls soon
4/2/24, 9:02 AM
This was a really fascinating premise. The nature of identity and how malleable it is in tf is something that really intrigues me. So the fact that Clayton came to genuinely see himself as a fleshjack and change his name to Jack was fascinating to see. I've never seen that kind of identity shift while the person is at least somewhat animate/human so that was fascinating, honestly I really liked that the human and fleshjack nature were merged without any contradiction between the two. Your ideas are always so creative! And it's clear that you really enjoy coming up with worlds to set your stories in, that's really cool to see as well. I will admit that I didn't find Damon particularly sympathetic in this chapter. Obviously he didn't mean for the transformation to be permanent and he's dealing with a lot of guilt but I felt that he had some nerve pulling the 'you don't know what it's like to be me, I wish I was in your place' routine with the person who's been permanently transformed thanks to his mistake. Honestly I felt pretty much all warlocks were condescending/not particularly sympathetic towards Clayton in both chapters so I just wasn't very sympathetic to the 'warlocks have problems too you know' angle. Still, all's well that ends well.
4/2/24, 6:25 AM
Gregory was gone for 6 years. Does that mean he spent 600 years in Hell? because time flows differently there and one year is equal to 100 years? If this is so, does this explain how he fell with a strong spirit, broke and became a Demon?

4/2/24, 8:07 AM
@[Zander](/user/show/10015044) Well, I prefer not to mess with the temporal physics, so Gregory's statement can be understood both literally or as a hyperbole. Either way, the end result is the same: the knight has now become a demon, and he is eager to see more join him!
4/2/24, 4:22 AM
I don’t normally read series but this one has me hooked.
4/2/24, 4:19 AM
I hope they both get to become each other’s toy and master. That would be such a hot dynamic.
4/2/24, 3:07 AM
I vote the first option, love seeing more of your content!
4/2/24, 2:27 AM
I echo Hypnothrill's comments. More, much more, please!
4/2/24, 2:14 AM
I vote for "Remy found batteries while Oliver was showering, and just made a new change" I just want Oliver to be a dummy again 😚
4/1/24, 5:33 PM
If there is a continuation, I would like to see a prologue to the story of how the knight was turned into a demon.

4/2/24, 2:07 AM
@[Zander](/user/show/10015044) The next chapters will likely focus on the sexy shenanigans our demon duo get up to. The next chapter, in particular, will involve the spread of their manly demonic corruption through food and drink. I might do a prequel about Greogory's corruption eventually. However, I would like to first tackle my original plans for the story. I also would not mind if others would write a scenario of Greogory's time in the Infernal Realm with his captors. Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I hope that you will continue to follow the story!
4/1/24, 5:41 PM
Well done. Especially for English as a non-native language.

4/2/24, 1:59 AM
@[A Haruspex](/user/show/10004423) Thank you!
4/2/24, 12:44 AM
I’m pissed at Yusef, but conflicted! Buff, beefy, hairy, Arab dudes are my Kryptonote. I get the impression that Yusef is only tangentially turned on by porking different versions of “himself.” He’s mostly turned on by Edgar having his face buried in his family’s corruption. Further, all the family members are still “themselves” under their changes, and may be bewildered and cringing under their changes?
1/10/24, 3:21 AM
I always like the idea of playing game and time stop. Great story and I hope there will be more like this.

4/1/24, 11:53 PM
@[taro](/user/show/159835) Thank you for your feedback! If you liked this one, you shoud check the most recent installments, you won't regret it ;)
1/4/24, 1:15 PM
I Love this Story sooooo much and I would like to see Zach and Liam together and Zach still using the Stopwatch on him in the future

4/1/24, 11:51 PM
@[Larouge](/user/show/10025738) Thank you! I like this new saga very much too, so stay tuned to know what will happen between Zach and Liam!
4/1/24, 6:58 PM
I am excited for the next chapter

4/1/24, 10:42 PM
@Venomfilth Thanks
4/1/24, 9:01 PM
So glad that you're continuing this story! I really loved this new chapter, especially when it describes the messages General Wagner is hearing in his head. My only complaint is that it's too short! I wanted to see the spread of the device throughout the base.
4/1/24, 8:45 PM
+Just tell me where to get them........... Grat work.....keep writing
4/1/24, 5:06 PM
Awesome story. You got me leaking. I can see Jack pouncing on Aaron. Jack's newly transformed dick is too big for Aaron to take so Jack slips the jock strap on him. In a single thrust Aaron's hole conforms and is molded to Jack's cock. His himbo transformation starts from the inside out.

4/1/24, 7:51 PM
@[TexMuscle](/user/show/10002223) That’s hot, man. I approve, lol
4/1/24, 7:06 PM
I will hope to the end that the story will end with some kind of cliffhanger that no one, including Yusuf, will expect this). Because we already have many similar stories with the same endings where a neighbor or one of the relatives controls the mind (and they all practically end the same way).I will be hoping for an open final with a hint of continuation). I know and understand that my expectations are my problems (because the author of the story, I think I have already decided on the ending of this story) and most likely it will be related to the fact that Yusuf eventually controls the whole family (which is very obvious it will be). But as they say, it's not harmful to dream and that dreams haven't hurt anyone yet.
4/1/24, 6:52 PM
Great work. Loving this series.
3/31/24, 7:48 AM
Hot,evil stuff.. Bit of my twisted mind wanted you to bulk up and beef out Yusuf and his devoted Arabic family into big dicked muscle alphas. Not much a fan of fat or dick shrink,unless it's the poor victim,like Ed,and even then,not much of the fat. Yes,i said i had some perverted fantasies..

4/1/24, 6:37 PM
@Anonymous I did not read the story through. Indeed there was some muscle growth in it. Hoping theres more,and Fred comes around to Yusuf's thinking