Recent Comments

Willie Cici
4/5/18, 6:30 PM
A month of writing and editing and still there are errors. I fixed the syntax. Thanks for the comment. I hope I speak for all the contributors to this site when I say that we want the readers to leave comments and text information. It makes for better writing and better story telling.
4/5/18, 5:35 PM
Having been a green and searching rubber wanna be boy myself at one time, looking for the the guardian of the hidden room, who i did eventually find in chat sessions in fact and He opened doors beyond my strangest imaginings, i very much enjoyed what i hope is only your first chapter. As to editing, i find when writing that sometimes the text comes tumbling out of the air in such a rush that i can barely keep up, and spit and polish must come much later when the continuity is solid, and my own body reacts the way i want my readers to react. Please keep at it for us! cody
4/5/18, 4:43 PM
To the ‘anon’ comment immediately above mine: You will get over yourself right now. Your comment was condescending and the opposite of constructive; your weak attempt to be “encouraging” at the end has the effect of being the opposite of doing so. I think the best part is that you don’t even have the courage to at least put an identifying handle on it. If that is the kind of feedback you wish to give people let’s see you put up a story for all to read. Better yet, just don’t comment. If you have any specific feedback to give the author, you can always send them an email with your feedback instead of anonymous condescension in public. He even asked for people to do just that, which is laudable. Part of writing and editing is that many times you need to have more than one pair of eyes on it as the writer will tend to read it as he or she means it in their head, rather than exactly what they put down on paper.
4/5/18, 4:37 PM
Never mind post at 15:54 The story is very hot and if some people want to criticise they should buy a book from the store........ this is a site to write and share our deepdown fantasies Please keep on writing........
4/5/18, 4:04 PM
Great story!! Loved it!!
4/5/18, 4:03 PM
I agree!! Really hot! Loved the pics.
4/5/18, 3:55 PM
Great story!! Loved it!!
4/5/18, 3:54 PM
SBD89 Did you learn from this experience that 'writing' is not the same as 'coming up with a story'? The story you tried to write is great, and has the potential for follow-up. The writing part was awful. All you had to do is run the spell and grammar check on your word processor (presumably MSWord) and all the wrong caps and horrible grammar would be corrected in a couple of minutes. Writing requires editing, and sometimes more time spent editing than writing. Keep writing -- and editing. We want to read a well-crafted, well-written story.
4/5/18, 3:46 PM
I give you credit for developing episodic stories that make sense and make you want to read more. I'm loving this series. Smart and sexy!!!
4/5/18, 2:47 PM