Homo Erectus Book 1: The New Queen

What if its like Pokemon, the gay version is the 'evolved form'. What if the Queen is the ultra rare boss-level gay... and what if for the first time in 300 years there's a new one? (community chapters if you like)
Community Series

Anyone can contribute to this series.

Author Title Words Published
The Queen's aura has made the city fabulous, the Government are concerned. Quantum Fabulousness is barely understood by Queer Science and the guy inside the Greek Statue definitely didn't know how he got there.
Now that Allcock Manor belongs to the Queen, its time to get the builders in. What is it like to grow up in a fam that's been out n proud for six generations, and how will Peter Cockwood's past change everything you think you know.
With Nuzio 'bitched' by gay house invaders, Guido loads the glock and starts hunting fag. But what do you do when bullets can't touch the skinnydippper in the pool?
The Queen wants a nice house with peacocks and Art sends his Majesty's Bi Lesbian Assassins to take care of the guards. (No Futinari were harmed in the creation of this chapter)
The Queen goes back to class in order to practice NOT turning man into boi. Meanwhile Doug is planning to score some of that detection-proof steroid drug that builds Olympic scale muscles. And George? George just wants to suck cock!
Chapter 2: Never send a boi shopping! Myangel is in trouble as the Police investigate four 'disappearances'.
What if its like Pokemon, the gay version is the 'evolved form'. What if the Queen is the ultra rare boss-level gay... and what if for the first time in 300 years there's a new one? (community chapters if you like)