The Valentine's Day Disaster

Richard Benson, crack reporter for the local news, is onsite when there's a spill of a pheromone spill at a local chemical plant. It's a reporter's dream to be at the source of a story, so why is Richard more interested in sucking the cock of the security guard than reporting on the spill?
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Tyler and Wyatt are working their shift at the local cinema in Hampstead when the pink fog rolls through. They never would have been able to guess that the day would end with the two of them resolving their differences with the help of the fog, a complaining cinephile, and three surprisingly open-minded frat boys.
Joe was slumbering peacefully after his work shift when two skaters practicing tricks just outside his window wake him up. He goes out to confront them, but the potential fight that's brewing between the three men suddenly changes when a pink wall of fog roars past them.
Richard Benson, crack reporter for the local news, is onsite when there's a spill of a pheromone spill at a local chemical plant. It's a reporter's dream to be at the source of a story, so why is Richard more interested in sucking the cock of the security guard than reporting on the spill?