Bugbear Fever

A strange supernatural virus has entered the small town of Dunroy. Turning the men into monstrous bugbears. Starting with the old man.
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Author Title Words Published
A strange supernatural virus has entered the small town of Dunroy. Turning the men into monstrous bugbears. Starting with the old man.
The sheriff has returned to town only to find it different from when he left it. Will he find the answers to his problems in his office or will he succumb to the mysterious force that is plaguing the town?
The three bugbears try to learn more about Joel’s powers when Jack is sent to investigate strange noises in the forest area near the cabin. What will the three bugbears do about officer Jack?
The Boss and Michael decide that they need one more bugbear to infect him, particularly one which will produce power to help spread the influence of the bugbear virus.
A young man is sent out to get a priest for his grandfather's exorcism but by the time the priest makes it, the corruption has spread to the whole family.