Matchmaker Enchanter

The Masked Enchanter. A mystical figure in the hypnosis scene. He appears seldomly, and randomly. But when he does, you don't want to miss his show. Known for using his flashy jacket to put people under, whatever boy toy he chooses for the evening is sure to entertain the crowd. Jese, are usual protagonist accepts an invite from his friend Dani to attend one of these hypnotist events.
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The Masked Enchanter. A mystical figure in the hypnosis scene. He appears seldomly, and randomly. But when he does, you don't want to miss his show. Known for using his flashy jacket to put people under, whatever boy toy he chooses for the evening is sure to entertain the crowd. Jese, are usual protagonist accepts an invite from his friend Dani to attend one of these hypnotist events.