Matt and the Hunters

Matt finds out he has the power to turn any man he wants into his submissive lover. And he also finds out that some would kill him for that power.
Author Title Words Published
Matt is finally starting to face the consequences of his actions, and he has to decide what's the best course of action to make sure all his men are safe.
Jared is dealing with the aftermath of Daniel's arrival, and he finds support in an unexpected place.
It's finally time for Matt to face Josh and for Josh to face himself. Josh can certainly defeat Matt, but... does he want to? Sometimes, the border between what you think you are and what you really are can be as thin as a voice on the other side of the door.
Jared is not sure if he really wants to visit Cameron and sleep with him, but at the end he changes his mind.
Here we get one last character: Josh, the former brother in arms of Daniel, who's struggling to adapt to a life without his teacher and his mate, and finds himself with a big decision to make that will change the fates of people he doesn't even know.
Okay, the plot is picking up and this means some conflict and difficulties. The this chapter and the next couple ones are gonna have some hurt feelings for some of our boys, but I promise things will work out at the end. Trust me. Here our two stories finally cross, when Daniel and Matt meet and this will change things for both of them.
We're going back to the apprentice Hunter we met right at the beginning, we see how his life has changed since we last saw him, and what kind of hard decisions he has to make if he wants to survive.
Cameron attempts to confirm his suspicions about Matt, but in the meantime he finds out he may have gotten too close already...
Matt is back home with his guys and decides to explain them what he learned about himself. Meanwhile, Cameron has some suspicions and decides to investigate Matt to see if he can make sense on the changes he has seen on his students.
After the night always comes the morning, and after the calm comes the storm, and after a night with Daniel, now Matt has to deal with the consequences of his past actions.