Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade

Kyle Rayner, AKA Green Lantern, finds his life suddenly turned upside down by a pair of thugs who take over a powerful mind control machine, that have no idea how to control it.
Author Title Words Published
The once formidable Green Lantern is used by his victimizers to provide them information about a high tech device they posses. The fallen hero explain them what that machine is and how to use it, totally obvious to the fact he's giving the thugs more weapons to further humilate and submit him. The very mindfucked Emerald Knight finally gets a reward for his splendid job as a law enforcer.
It’s a brand new day, and the hero of Coast City, the totally mindfucked Green Lantern, is about to begin his morning routine. But today, things are going to be a little different for Kyle Rayner, as he's going to find out, by helping a truck driver on the highway...
After investigating the S.T.A.R Lab facilities looking how to get out of the problem he's in, Green Lantern faces a gang of bank robbers. In his current mindfucked state, things don’t go too well for Coast City’s illustrious superhero.