Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade

Kyle Rayner, AKA Green Lantern, finds his life suddenly turned upside down by a pair of thugs who take over a powerful mind control machine, that have no idea how to control it.
Author Title Words Published
It’s a brand new day, and the hero of Coast City, the totally mindfucked Green Lantern, is about to begin his morning routine. But today, things are going to be a little different for Kyle Rayner, as he's going to find out, by helping a truck driver on the highway...
Kyle Rayner, AKA Green Lantern, finds his life suddenly turned upside down by a pair of thugs who take over a powerful mind control machine, that have no idea how to control it.
The mighty Green Lantern is at the mercy of T-Bone and Chuy, a pair of kinky thugs who are about to teach him his new favourite flavor, his dutties as a guardian of the law, and a brand new way to see criminal men.