Jul 04, 2017

Number of changes, mostly to make administration easier. 1) News is now database driven. This means that Hugh Michelsen can add news items to this page without having to make code changes and redeploy. Hurray! 2) The title of the site is now different when developing from when the code is deployed. This means that Hugh Michelsen can work on the site while flying or in public places and not worry about people looking over his shoulder and thinking he's working on something inappropriate for public. Which I would be doing, kind of. But not anymore! 3) Fixed the communication of how search by tag works. That page now says when results are sorted by ranking instead of one of the three columns (author, title or creation date). 4) Fixed an error with admins creating new users. 5) Made it so that the site loads bootstrap and other libraries from the server as opposed to from a global CDN, when running in development mode. 6) Made it so that if an author is not logged in, but they create a new story with an email address that matches a user's login email address, the story will automatically get added to their user account.