Recent Comments

11/30/15, 1:19 AM
Philip, let Jimmy record Brody
11/29/15, 10:25 PM
Brilliant. Coach should lend this slut to a biker gang to use and abuse.
11/29/15, 6:53 PM
Cont. Don't get me wrong, I like your story a lot. You generated a very interesting and humorous interactions between unintended recipients and the underage protagonist, which is rare in MC stories. I want to see more of your creations coming in the future.
11/29/15, 6:43 PM
The last scene was nice, but I feel the ending is a little abrupt. As in, Jake enjoyed what he has, "I can get used to this," but then there's a sudden change of heart. The reversal of slave conditioning was also too quick and straightforward, which contradicts to the mood build up via lengthy exposure. Arthur and Darren disappear off the radar, I wonder what happened to them? I think a better way to end this, aside from lengthening the process to smooth out the change, is to describe how Jake has no way to reverse the conditioning but he is decent enough to work himself against the temptation. He struggles everyday to NOT be the master to his slaves or spreading his influences, but occasionally he'd still give in to it, this way it continues to have potential for humorous interactions that's consistent with the rest of the story, expressed Jake's decency through action instead of words alone, and makes him more 'human'; mental struggle is part of our existence, and I think it especially shines (both from the slave and from the master) in a mind control story.
Cordyceps Sinensis
11/29/15, 4:58 PM
Love your series and I'm so happy to see you're continuing it. Would love to collab sometime, you work excellent detail into the boy's perspective, it's a lot of fun. :)
11/29/15, 8:39 AM
Double penetration is HOT! Brody is really getting bitched out. Can't wait for Jimmy to join in.
Nick Bottom
11/29/15, 5:08 AM
Excellent work as always, Philip!!
Nick Bottom
11/29/15, 5:08 AM
Excellent work as always, Philip!!
11/29/15, 5:03 AM
Great story!! Hot!!
11/29/15, 12:52 AM
I want him to flip the stages and tear that smug assholr down.