Recent Comments

12/1/15, 4:55 AM
So hot! Please don't make us wait so long for the next part!!!
12/1/15, 4:17 AM
One of your best chapters yet. I can't wait for the next one!
11/30/15, 7:10 PM
Fucking hot! I have always wanted to be tranced and regressed to infancy! Hope there is a chapter 2!
11/30/15, 7:34 AM
Your story is great! I look forward to reading more ^_^ Personally, highschool age is old enough, I would mind if Jake is younger than 18 :]
11/30/15, 4:04 AM
To be frank, I had written myself into a corner. I wanted Jake to, in the end, 'give up' his control having learned a valuable and steamy lesson. But I also wanted a big sexy climax. Personally, I was no longer invested in the story enough to extend the series longer than it had been. I couldn't think of any way to do so without being contrived or extending the story a few more parts after the climax. Endings are always a weakpoint for me. Its something I am working on improving. At this time, I just want to move onto different stories. Also; small correction, everyone is legal age. Jake is 18, and Greg is 19 (he was held back a year).
11/30/15, 2:34 AM
One of the HOTTEST episodes yet! Keep up the good work!
11/30/15, 1:41 AM
Loved this part! So happy to have Jimmy involved in the humiliation.
11/30/15, 1:19 AM
Philip, let Jimmy record Brody
11/29/15, 10:25 PM
Brilliant. Coach should lend this slut to a biker gang to use and abuse.
11/29/15, 6:53 PM
Cont. Don't get me wrong, I like your story a lot. You generated a very interesting and humorous interactions between unintended recipients and the underage protagonist, which is rare in MC stories. I want to see more of your creations coming in the future.