Recent Comments

12/21/15, 4:35 PM
Just a rough guess: several posts here are probably from the same guy(or few guys?), judging from the writing style, capitalization, and special usage of punctuation marks. So maybe it's only he/they being downright rude.
12/21/15, 3:03 PM
12/21/15, 12:04 PM
First of all, please forgive me if I make any errors; I'm from asia, my English is pretty basic. As an old NCMC reader, I'm so surprised there are so many people commenting one story! It means Mr. Edlam definitely does a great job ! And, as an book editor, I want to give Mr. Edlam some suggestions: 1. Don't care too much about comments. They're reader's hope, not your burden. If you like invisible scenario, humiliation or break a decent family, just write it. 2. Keep the main plot simple, if you want to preserve some flexibility. For JJ, Jake and Alex, it's easier to undo the damage (yeah, I still hope for a happy ending ! ^^ ). But in ch5, their parents and Vicky were involved, I guess the only way to solve the situation is to use "Re-Educator" on them. Since the device is controlled by Alex, undoubtedly there would be more humiliation in the story. It's not a bad choice, just means you would be harder to make "turn the table" believable. 3. Keep writing. There are indeed some rude comments, but please write the story for yourself. No matter the quality or response, an ending story is always better than an unending one, you'll know better what will do, what won't in a story. It's good for you if you still want to write stories in the future. Hope my suggestions would somehow encourage you to write the next chapter :)
12/21/15, 9:45 AM
I've been reading this and I really can't say to much, I'm rea ding for the hell of it, the bully winning thing seems to be a common thing as of late and as I presonance hate the idea I'm just gonna hope things turn around and Jake actually wins this one, but I'm not gonna demand it
12/21/15, 8:14 AM
WOW. Hey, people, calm down! with all respect, don't you think you're being too demanding with Mr. Edlam? He's been working hard for his readers during his vacations, and 90% of the comments are complaints and pontifications about what you think is good. Even worst, most of the comments are frankly rude and impolite.The man is putting all of his effort for his readers; the less you can do is show him some respect. There's a difference between make nice suggestions saying what you would like to read; and cramming the comment section with whines and demands of what his story should be. Someone even had the nerve to demand rewrites! How somebody can be so rude? If you are so dissatisfied, go and write your own story, you primitive yokel. Is HIS STORY, so HE knows the best what this should be, HE can take the direction that HE wants. If you want to follow him, fine, and if you don't, it is fine too, but don't be ungrateful. There was not much action on this one, I agree, but it's a transition chapter. I really like your work, Edlam!
Simple reader
12/21/15, 7:55 AM
So, @A CONCERNED READER you're basically saying that everyone else is wrong and that you're right for thinking outside the box? At least the story gets some feedback, and that is probably way more valuable for the author that a shiny knight defending his interests. Oh, well... What do I know? I'm not really digging the all "bully is winning" either, must be because of experience. But I'll keep reading it for now just because it's well written. So, yeap, not a big fan of this chapter, but good job nonetheless.
12/21/15, 7:45 AM
My goodness, All these 'Goody-two-shoes' out there, hating bully's, wanting Alex 'beaten into a pulp',hate to see a 'decent family destroyed',sick of Alex, want the tables turned, want Alex to get his 'comeuppance'...Why are they even bothering to continue reading this story??? Turn on Hallmark t.v. folks ! Most of us don't read these stories to 'feel good', we read them to 'get-off'..If a story is not our cup-of-tea, we skip it until we find one we enjoy...Do any of these readers really think the author is 'anti-Alex' or anti-bullying...well then we must be reading different stories. It looks to me like we [& the author] are supposed to 'get off' on the very un-P.C. idea of 'the power of the bully' & the destruction of a decent Christian family...It is not in the least 'arrogant' to give one's ideas to the author since we 'trolls' are well aware that they can be rejected...I could bet you that Edlam is far from 'demoralized' by our comment's. It must be exciting to know that your story has caused so much attention !....Finally count me in the group that doesn't care for the 'INVISIBLE STUFF'......
12/21/15, 7:15 AM
12/21/15, 5:16 AM
NO~ We need that INVISIBLE stuff. Please, some of the posts here seem to be too arrogant. There's no account for tastes, right? Someone thinks it is STUPID. well I think he doesn't really respect the author and his work! Stop these trolls, okay!? These trolls may only demoralize the author.
12/21/15, 5:04 AM
To be honest I hate bullies. I would really love to see Alex beaten into a pulp. Involving the parents is a bit much for me, sex is great but not destroying a decent family.