Recent Comments

5/14/17, 8:08 AM
I have taken on board what Viridian said about the 'homework' issue and I've edited this episode slightly. He was right about that aspect, I think. So far the new version hasn't shown up, but hopefully it will soon. I've also posted episode 2, which I hope goes some way to answering Viridian's other point about Dante's intelligence not squaring with his 'gangster' lifestyle. Sadly, for many youths today, in both the US and the UK, school performance is more about social background than intelligence...
5/14/17, 7:30 AM
I'll be working on Re-Educator/I Love Him, But... too. These stories just kind of immediately interested me when they entered my imagination...I had to get both all down before I lost them!
5/14/17, 7:15 AM
I'll try to find that story! I will say, incest gets me going. It's more the idea of making someone think the most crazy stuff is perfectly normal than the actual incest. Making someone do something they'd NEVER do and even making them LOVE it is so hot to me. And I encourage you to post your stories! Not everyone will like everything you do, but if you stay true to yourself and write what gets you going, that's all that matters. Especially on sites like this where it's free. They didn't pay for it so, really, at the end of the day, that shouldn't have room to complain! Beyond that, criticism should be taken as a way to improve, not a way to bring you down :)
5/14/17, 6:56 AM
Awesome, this story is REALLY good. You've became one of my favourite writers on this website, M Greene! and I'm glad you like my comments! I like your style, and I don't have problems with the racist stereotypes in fiction (and I repeat I FICTION). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist, and I detest that kind of behavior and ideas in real life, but that's exactly why I appreciate it as a form of erotic humiliation. What could be more humiliating that being turned into a desfigured grotesque cartoon? I appreciate it as a work of fiction. I like the ending too, it's not totally obvious about why all this happened, and I like that, the readers can draw their own conclusions. Oh, by the way, I was going to ask you if you've considered to make a story about a succesful straight mexican man, being turnet into a parodic stereotype? (gay, of course!). I'd love to read that, and I'm sure you could do that perfectly! I can't wait for your next story.
5/14/17, 5:55 AM
@UchihaDEMS It was posted here previously, but removed due to its contents involving middle schooler (only briefly). I can repost it, but not sure how the moderator would feel about it.
5/14/17, 5:40 AM
Very dark, Edlam, but awesomely written. You are very talented. Please keep writing.
5/14/17, 4:22 AM
Now this is a story I can really get into. Your writing style is excellent at the slow and determined transition. Can't wait for the next chapter.
5/14/17, 4:20 AM
Liked this!
May 12, 2017
5/14/17, 3:52 AM
5/14/17, 3:12 AM
great story, love racial tfs