Recent Comments

1/26/19, 10:58 AM
The choice was purposeful, but less about economic status, and more to keep him relatively young.
1/26/19, 10:56 AM
Since you're in the process of editing, I'll just bring up a small point that probably only matters to me: Did you mean for Jaxson to be an Adjunct Professor? Adjuncts are not full-time faculty, and they're hired on a course-by-course basis (and thus are paid less than Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors). Some adjuncts can't even afford housing or health insurance, and so for a moment I thought you were trying to make a pointed comment on Jaxson's low economic status.
1/26/19, 10:35 AM
I am removing the change in speech patterns at the end though, I sense it will make a lot of you uncomfortable and adds nothing to my personal enjoyment of this kink.
1/26/19, 10:28 AM
I went back and forth on the dialect, and on writing this story at all to be honest. As a black man who finds this kind of thing arousing I find myself in a weird space to occupy.
1/26/19, 10:26 AM
I'm a white guy, and so I don't want to get all self-righteous about racial representations that make me uncomfortable. But for me, this story's allusions to the history of African-American slavery (and the transformation of Jaxson's speech into stereotypical slave dialect), cross a line into white supremacist territory.
1/26/19, 9:45 AM
Remaining her's, should now be fixed. There are some parts I feel could do with being re-written, but I figure it's not my story, so I've just done the bare minimum to fix the obvious problems. If anybody else wants to re-write the necessary bits, feel free to do so. Just make sure you give credit to the original author.
1/26/19, 9:22 AM
Will you still plan to write the "jocks disappearing one by one" story? That sounds very interesting!!
1/26/19, 9:18 AM
Wow! Seems like you had read my mind. My first love broke my heart and I have always thought of doing exactly what Jack did
1/26/19, 7:58 AM
What you need now,is to introduce a drug called ROAR,that makes a cock bigger,users more TOP.Bet it would be popular amongst the criminals.?
1/26/19, 5:05 AM
Thank you to those who have commented so positively - it is very motivating. Why 'The Lost?' Well, when I originally conceived the story, it was going to involve a much younger 'professor' character who invented the nanite conversion process and used it to exact revenge on a group of rich, privileged jocks who had taunted him at university for being geeky/gay/lower class/bad at sports. The straight jock characters were going to disappear one by one, with the main protagonist [the nicest of the jocks] acting as a kind of amateur detective trying to track them down. I called it 'The Lost' and wrote one chapter before conceiving the present version of the story. The title does not fit this newer version so well, but I guess you could say that the synthetics are lost to humanity [and perhaps to God?] because they are no longer actually human.
1/26/19, 5:00 AM
Always loved this one. Thanks for bringing it back.
1/26/19, 4:39 AM
So well written
Willie Cici
1/26/19, 4:34 AM
This was an incredible series. I enjoyed every episode/chapter, even re-read a couple along the way. Keep writing other stories. I am sure I'm not the only reader who enjoyed your story.
1/26/19, 4:15 AM
1/26/19, 4:05 AM
this worked much beter than some gender swap stories, i like it, i know some people dont mind but i really rather not have any female presence in the stories i read
1/26/19, 3:58 AM
Thanks for letting me know. I have not cross posted anywhere. It is disheartening to learn that someone is doing that without my permission. This series was my first attempt at erotic writing, and I was enjoying crafting a plot that people with similar turn-ons as me could appreciate, as well as thinking of several other new stories to start. If my ownership of these stories is not respected, then perhaps I need to consider discontinuing this series and my writing.
1/26/19, 3:37 AM
I want this please
1/26/19, 2:14 AM
"Soon" What? Wish to know where Andy goes from here or what plan Coach has in mind for him : )
1/26/19, 1:15 AM
Thank you for editing and reposting this! I always loved the version CodyTaylorNYC did, but some of the genderswapped parts stumbled a bit. This is much smoother!
1/26/19, 12:14 AM
Really enjoyed this one, but whats the title a reference to?
1/26/19, 12:09 AM
A few "her" left behind where it should be him/his, otherwise a great edit of the story
1/25/19, 11:14 PM
Great comedic writing! I love the detail of a "Ken doll crotch" - YIKES!
1/25/19, 11:01 PM
Now, if only we get the rat pack over for more hypnosis...
1/25/19, 11:01 PM
Now, if only we get the rat pack over for more hypnosis...
1/25/19, 10:02 PM
this premise is awesome --spend much more time on the actual transformation as that's the hottest part!
1/25/19, 8:51 PM
Fixed. Forgot about single new lines don't work!
1/25/19, 8:39 PM
hard to read put in paragraph breaks please too much text and no breaks
1/25/19, 7:41 PM
Hot story !! Where do the old boys go when he needs new blood ?
1/25/19, 4:03 PM
Well, everyone, that's the end of the story. I hope you all enjoyed it.
1/25/19, 3:38 PM
Great series!!!