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He is finally on his way to become a fully functional drone. But at the moment, all Noel can think if is the bodysuit which he was fused into. The rubber on his skin is not only covering his genitals in a separate sheath. It has another function he's going to experience.
Noel, the protagonist of "Destination: Utopia" goes through the final step of his integration into the system. Inside the maintenance-chamber, he receives the final touch to become a B-Drone. How will he react to the heavy modification he'll undergo?
Less than three days have passed since he was "integrated" into the system and turned into a "B-Drone". Our young protagonist with the beautiful face will learn what it means to be a "B-Drone" in this chapter. He realizes how much better the life as a loyal drone is, compared to the life outside the system. Will he be able to enjoy his first service-period as much as his hive-mates?
Noel doesn't really notice any difference after he was brainwashed and programmed. He's still... B16-0297219! Our cute, rubber-clad protagonist is ready to serve the system with mind and body. He already met his new, permanent drone-partner in the previous chapter. In this chapter, he will finally start his first service-routine. With unexpected side-effects. At least for Noel.