Dec 11, 2020

#### Forum might ask for e-mail confirmation You might have seen an email from GSS asking you to click for confirmation. This is created by the forum, because it requires an email-address to be confirmed before it can send notifications. As I've removed the "anon forum" mode (it caused too many headaches), everyone who used to access the forum anonymously (or not at all) will get that email once they visit the forum. The forum will ***never*** show the email address to anyone! The only difference to the "anon-mode" is that you'll get emails from the forum, but you can disable them all in the forum settings, if you don't want to be bothered. #### User profiles now shown The menu "[Authors->Author & User profiles](" was always supposed to list user profiles (i.e. registered users who never published a story themselves) as well. But due to an error, this never worked, this has been fixed now. If you don't see yourself in that list, [visit your user profile]( and change anything there, which will enable your profile for listing.