Oct 01, 2020

### Survey for additional gay erotica sites I want to offer a couple of new gay erotica sites for various kinks. For this, the user @cruzco created a Google survey, which explain these plans in more detail. Please check out the (anonymous) survey to learn more and to give your input in which kinks you'd be most interested: [https://forms.gle/Q2XDDUMcS85ypadp9](https://forms.gle/Q2XDDUMcS85ypadp9) You can also discuss these plans in [this thread in the forum](https://forum.gayspiralstories.com/t/discussion-for-the-new-kink-sites-next-to-gss/2014)! You can also check out our [GSS Discord Chat](https://discord.gg/fmWFnhy) if you want to meet a lot of like-minded, nice and kinky people!