Recent Comments

5/5/24, 8:09 PM
this series is the best one in the site....literally none can compare...cant wait to see Giardino's son enter the picture

5/9/24, 8:28 AM
@[VVIP](/user/show/10046305) I’m glad you enjoy it, that really motivates me to get back to this. Don’t worry, the story will be finished, I don’t know when but when I start something in always complete it.
5/9/24, 3:37 AM

5/9/24, 8:24 AM
@Anonymous It’s a departure from my normal setup but I thought you’d all like the slow change. Matt can only make so many nudges on a 9 day cruise. I’ve left the story there (I don’t want another commitment to finish a series), so you could say bisexual but it shows how Matt has completely cuckholded them and has power over them both. However, it should be obvious that it’s Mark he wants (and it’s Matt that Mark wants) and so Steph over time would have just been there for show for the Charleston conservatives, as she takes just a supporting role, and he has potentially all those college baseball boys to nudge too!!
5/9/24, 7:46 AM
I really liked this.
5/9/24, 5:00 AM
This story has the potential to become an all-time epic, if you actually use all the chances you just setup. My only gripe with the first two chapters is, that the whole setting feels awfully constructed, as if someone wanted to built a stage of a gay orgy... oh wait. That's exactly what happened :) Anyway, I can only hope that you make it work and use all that potential in here!
5/9/24, 4:59 AM
5/9/24, 4:40 AM
Great time. Only wish it was longer... But that just means its good!
5/9/24, 4:16 AM
As much as I want brian to get his comeuppance in the end, I would love to see him become more in charge/powerful in the next chapters 😈
5/9/24, 3:25 AM
You had me at #Mass-enslavement and kept me all the way through. A really strong story.
5/8/24, 9:05 PM
Nice! While I was reading it I wished some of the scenes lasted a little bit longer, the kiss of trust, for instance, or Matt's change of attitude, but in general it was quite enjoyable. Mason's still my fave, but there's a lot more to be seen :grin:

5/9/24, 3:03 AM
@[Piko](/user/show/14889) Thanks for the kind words! Mason is one of my favorites as well. Chapter 5 will be when Mason has his big moment :wink: I also appreciate the feedback. As the story goes on, I'll get into more detail about each action being performed.
5/9/24, 2:34 AM
Fun transformation!